"On Mistaken Identity I've tried to make sure there is something for the dance and high energy crowd, something for the pop and rock music fans, something for urban/R&B listeners -- a little something for everybody. I feel that this album best represents me, because I've always liked exploring many different types of music. I don't want to be one-sided, and this is the musical statement I needed to make."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991
"...The singer cuts loose here, consistently testing and expanding the boundaries of her range. This is most evident on the stirring ballad Friends Unknown and tribal, single-worthy Cry Of A Waking Heart."
- Billboard Magazine, September 7, 1991 |
"On the surface, the album sounds like a bid for approval from the Madonna/ Paula Abdul generation. Deeper investigation, however, reveals a number of intricate, tightly constructed songs that could place her among more adult contemporaries like Gladys Knight and Regina Belle."
- Billboard Magazine, September 7, 1991 |
BONUS AUDIO CLIP: Donna talking about having blonde hair for the album cover on CNBC's Talk Live in 1991. |
"Get Ethnic is about having pride in what you are.. In the US there is a tendency to de-emphasize your background, but at some point people should be free to be who they are. Be yourself, because that is what makes this country interesting."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
BONUS AUDIO CLIP: Donna talking about Get Ethnic on CNBC's Talk Live in 1991. |
"When you watch all of these new dances, you can see people really talking with their bodies. When guys go out, they don't need to say 'Hey baby, I love you,' when they're saying so much with their body language. That is what the essence of the song is about: 'I can hear your body talk.'"
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
"When we started writing Work That Magic, Keith Diamond had just fallen in love, so we were writing from a frame of reference of real intensity and passion. It's a feeling you can't hide, a fidgetiness in your soul where you wait breathlessly for the next time you are going to hear from the person you love. And the man and the woman meet, fall in love, and it's magic."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
on When Love Cries:
"Eve Nelson came into town, and she had written this groove. I started singing to the groove in the car, and we taped the words, so we captured the song's feel immediately. We wanted to keep it very simple and very emotional and make it the cry of a woman who's alone and away from the man she loves."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
"Keith played
[Heaven's Just A Whisper Away] for me the first day in the studio. I thought it was a really romantic, beautiful, emotional song. I fell in love with it, and we recorded it."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
"When the song was sent to me I couldn't imagine singing it. My husband said, 'Listen to the song again.' I put it on and he sang it to me and said, 'This is you.' There's this incredible line that goes, 'Behind the familiar the view is strange,' and that just blew me away. I think Cry [Of A Waking Heart] is definitely a love song, but it's about two people who realize that if they're going to continue, they have to set each other free."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
"I love all the songs on Mistaken Identity, but my personal favorite is Friends Unknown. This is the first time I had a chance to thank my audience directly and say it in a song. When you're on stage you say, 'Thank you so much,' but it always sounds so trite. My best asset is my voice, so when I sing something, I know my fans will get the message. I'm more than thankful for every time that they were there. When I shed a tear, when I need a prayer, or when I just need an uplift, a little note comes that says 'I love you' or 'Thank you for your music.' That really means a lot to me, and this was a nice chance to say 'thank you' back."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
BONUS AUDIO CLIP: Donna talking about Friends Unknown in a 1991 interview. |
"[Fred Astaire
is] a hang out with the gang and party kind of song. Everybody's out there dancing and looking for the right person, the one who's going to dance best with them."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
"[Say A Little Prayer is] about a girl getting dressed up to go out and land the Mr. Right. She's dressed to kill, hoping it will help her get the guy. We wrote it at the beginning phases of recording the album, and I loved the idea of the song."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
Mistaken Identity is a socially critical song. I got the idea when I heard about that assault on a man in Los Angeles, where he was beaten by several police officers while others stood by and watched. To the best of my knowledge, it wasn't the first time this sort of thing had happened. I just felt I had to comment about it, so I distanced the song from the actual event by putting myself in Rodney King's place. In the song I am arrested by the police, but I didn't commit the crime."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
BONUS AUDIO CLIP: Donna talking about Mistaken Identity on CNBC's Talk Live in 1991. |
"[What Is It You Want is] our comedy track. Everybody's made up of a lot of different colors, and I wanted this album to express different sides of my character through the songs. My gentleness, my weakness, my strength, my humor, and what I'm driven by are all there. I originally wanted to call this song The Laugh Track.
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |
"[Let There Be Peace] was written at the beginning of the Gulf War. I was sitting in my kitchen when I heard the news, and suddenly I felt goose bumps all over my body. Thinking about all those people going over there, my heart was filled with tears. I found myself wishing I had so much authority that I could proclaim peace."
- Donna Summer, Mistaken Identity press kit 1991 |