The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Donna Summer



Click any image for a larger version. Please note that some of these are very large so that hopefully you will be able to read most of the text.

I also have a PDF file of Reflector May 18, 2012 from Mexico

And there is a PDF of Germany's Gala from May.

Donna Summer - Das neue Blatt 23.05.2012.jpg (423801 bytes)

Das Neue Blatt (Germany)
May 23, 2012

Donna Summer - Bunte 24.05.2012.jpg (392836 bytes)

Bunte (Germany)
May 24, 2012

Donna Summer - Neue Welt 23.05.2012.jpg (265819 bytes)

Neue Welt (Germany)
May 23, 2012

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National Enquirer cover
June 4, 2012
(The "tragic secret" was cancer)

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Enquirer inside page

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June 4, 2012

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June 4, 2012
page 1

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pages 2-3

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page 3

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This Day (Nigeria)
May 20,2012

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Fan art from Lalo Petit

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Fan art from Stor Dubine

Donna Summer - Freizeit Woche 23.05.2012.jpg (214317 bytes)

Freizeit Woche May 23, 2012

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Us magazine June 4, 2012

Donna Summer - Schöne Woche 23.05.2012.jpg (287383 bytes)

Schone Woche May 23, 2012

Donna Summer - Gala 24.05.2012.jpg (674305 bytes)

Gala May 24, 2012

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El Nuevo Herald 1

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El Nuevo Herald 2


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from Italy

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from Italy

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from Italy

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from Italy

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from Italy


Time Milestones

Rolling Stone Donna Summer Tribute108.jpg (236423 bytes)

Rolling Stone June 7, 2012

Rolling Stone Donna Summer Tribute 2109.jpg (269794 bytes)

Rolling Stone June 7, 2012

I also have PDFs available for  an article from India, and a new People Magazine column.

And at long last, Rolling Stone page 1 and page 2.

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Entertainment Weekly
(article by Chaka Khan)

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1979 concert review



The funeral program. Or you can download the PDF version posted.

program.jpg (62349 bytes)



star7.jpg (422430 bytes) Photos from Donna's star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame
As news of Donna's death became public, the star became one of the focal points where fans left flowers and other mementos.
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A spontaneous memorial set up at The Castro in San Francisco. The lower 4 are courtesy of Eli - that's him in the red shirt, feeling what we are all feeling. And the gentleman in brown is street teamer Eduardo..  :-)

castro.jpg (152644 bytes)


This is a tribute from Ruud - the full-sized image is huge
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Tribute images
(click for larger versions)
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Mural in NYC


For those who do PowerPoint, Mario sent in this tribute. (Most of the text is in Spanish.)



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