The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Donna Summer Photo Gallery

Gallery 12: Grammy Museum Exhibit



On July 2, 2014, the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles opened an exhibit called Donna Summer: Four Seasons Of Love.  On display were several gowns, a couple of wigs, some art, some handwritten lyrics, sketches, rare photos, and more. The exhibit takes up one room in the museum (which isn't a large one - for those of you who are immediately thinking of the various famous art museums in your cities.) 

The room has four walls. Two of them have cases with gowns, etc. Then there is one with artwork, and one with a video screen that plays video on a loop.  There are clips from the She Works Hard For The Money and This Time I Know It's For Real videos, Last Dance from Thank God It's Friday, some live footage from the 1980 TV Special, and a Grammy acceptance speech for best R&B performance, female. 

Being a museum, of course there is a gift shop and they do have a few Donna things available there. It's all stuff you will recognize from the tours (assuming you've been a fan since the 90s.)  There is the gray Live & More Encore  t-shirt, the baseball jersey, a 90s tour book, the Jazzman keychain, the Live & More Encore CD, and the Donna Summer CD.

Also, being a museum, photos are not permitted. But fortunately for us, someone's cellphone must have accidentally snapped a few. (These modern devices have a mind of their own!  Thank you Eric!)

As always, the thumbnails below are clickable so you can see the bigger version. 


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