The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Donna Summer Photo Gallery

Gallery 11: 2008 Street Teams Promotions

With a new album out and a new tour coming, street teams of volunteers have hit the pavement in their areas to get the word out. (Just in case there are 1 or 2 people out there who haven't heard about Crayons yet.  ;-) I'll add to this page as more teams send in photos. (If you send in pictures, you can add captions if you want. Otherwise I'll add some - live in fear!  LOL)



Let's start with the teams in New England. They recently held parties at Club Cafe in Boston, MA and Dark Lady in Providence, RI. Judging by the pictures, a great time was had by all! Thanks to both clubs for letting the Donna fans take over.  :-)

Click any image for a larger version.

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Getting set up at Club Cafe Back to work you!  ;-) Got my CD ... shake my body.... no, wait that's not how it goes...
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Partying at Club Cafe They played Donna videos all night - looks like Stor Dubine's animations even got some play.  :-) Joe, you didn't make them SHARE the CD did you?  ;-) Our Street Teamers in action at Dark Lady - hey - nobody told me one of the perks was drinking on the job.  ;-)
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Dark Lady's Master Of Ceremonies for the evening: Miss Kitty Litter Partying at Dark Lady Crayons for everyone! Hey - somebody get this guy a CD!
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Now they know a good CD when they get one Looks like true love to me.  :-) Posing with the Queen. (Shhh - don't tell Aretha. I think she's trying to copyright the word Queen.  ;-) ) Sometimes a pocket just isn't the right place to stick something. (Take that any way you want.......  ;-) )


The Oakland team hit the streets for San Francisco's Pride celebration. Keep your eyes open - they will be out again!

Click any image for a larger version.

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Getting ready to work the streets! Showing some Donna Pride Working the crowd Ready to beat non-believers into submission  ;-)


Street Team Long Island was there for Fire Island's  Invasion Of The Pines. 

For those who don't know what that is -  let me run down the general story for you.  There are these 2 neighboring communities on Fire Island, Fire Island Pines and Cherry Grove. The story goes that about 30 years ago, these 2 guys in drag from Cherry Grove went to a restaurant on Fire Island Pines and were denied service because they were dressed "inappropriately."  Well that didn't go down so well, so later on a bunch of guys dressed up in drag, hired a water taxi and on July 4 they went to Fire Island Pines (probably looking to kick that restaurant owners butt  LOL) but whey they found was a warm welcome from the Pines community.  Ever since then, it's been the tradition on July 4 that they load up a ferry boat with drag queens and sail from Cherry Grove to Fire Island Pines. I have to tell you, this was my first time there and those guys put one heck of a lot of time and creativity into their outfits!  (Full credit to the guys who were trying to navigate the crowds in hoop skirts! It was hard enough in shorts!  LOL) My only regret is that I hadn't staked out a good enough spot to get too many pictures.   I was there with a friend of mine and we had a lot of fun, we handed out a few flyers, and got a little sunburned.  LOL And it wasn't until we came home that I realized that we hadn't posed for any pictures in our street team gear.  (And by that time I was burnt, sweaty and not feeling the tiniest bit photogenic!  LOL)  But here are a couple pics of the event for you. Click any one for a larger version

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Waiting for the drag queens to arrive Not a good place to be if you are claustrophobic Watching from the club Here they come!
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Let the festivities begin! You can't tell from these photos but a number of celebrities were there: "Liza", "Cher", "Marilyn", and a whole bunch of US First Ladies. As we were leaving the crowds had finally thinned a bit If anybody knows who this guy is, I really like the way this picture came out and I'd like to send it to him.


Oakland was at it again at Castro - July 12

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These Bad Girls are ready to take over
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Love To Love You Baby Ken "working" his corner Reka at "Grand Central" Castro St & Market St getting ready to Beep Beep Eduardo - Hey Mister, have you got a dime? Tom & Eduardo in a State Of Independence here
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Science Of Love - Newlyweds Reka & Christian at "Grand Central" People, people.... Wherever you are... Eduardo - "I Feel Love" Tom - "I Got Your Love"



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