The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Album Liner Notes

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Since other sites have done an excellent job in providing Donna's lyrics, I thought I would fill in the gap by providing the liner notes. At this time I don't plan to include full album credits - I will just provide the thank yous and dedications that Donna has put on most of her albums. (If an album is not listed here, then it means there were no notes.)



A Love Trilogy

Many thanks to Thor Baldursson, Frank Diez, Keith Forsey, Martin Harrison, Molly Moll, Gary Unwin


Four Seasons Of Love

Many Thanks To:

Thor Baldursson
Keith Forsey
Geoff Bastow
Les Hurdle
Nick Woodland
Dino Solero

[The German release had this instead:  "Special thanks to:
Michael Peters, Johnny Pate, Mick Coles, Bob Pope, Sue Carling, Pat Naderhoff, Keith Robertson, Tiny Tears for the blue necklace, Pattie Brooks, June Christopher, Debra Anderson, Peter Golden, Sam Weisberg, Norman Brokaw, Mr. Lastvogel, Steve Ellis, a kiss to Mimi and to my love Peter." ]


I Remember Yesterday

Thanks to "Donny's Boys"; (Brooklyn Dreams), Joe Esposito, Eddie Hokenson, and Bruce Sudano; thanks to Pat Naderhoff for wardrobe coordination and moral support; Susan Munao, Phyllis Chotin and Nellie Prestwood for artistic supervision; Ron DeBlasio for believing in my future; Helen Reddy for sharing with me a piece of the best part of her life, Jeff Wald; Mick Coles for his everlasting ability to cope without complaining; Joyce Bogart for her inability to stop thinking up incredible new ideas, for love, for loyalty; and especially to Neil Bogart for love, understanding, and forever following without fear of losing. Can I give you more? To the gang at the Casbah for continuously doing it. For Mimi, with love from her Mama; to my family who have never let me down; to Peter, for his everlasting love and support; to my friend Danny Peck, for his spiritual support; and to all of you - wherever you go, take a little Summer with you. - Donna Summer


Once Upon A Time


To the Brooklyn Dreams, my friends Joey Esposito, Eddie Hokenson, Bruce Sudano, Lynda Steihl; don't forget that our dreams are Brooklyn Dreams. All right, Donny's Boys?

To Pat Naderhoff Conti and Bob for giving me something else to fight about.

To Bob Conti - The Doctor Philosopher, In The Still, shoo do and do be do, Of The Night.

To Mike Warren for not ever letting me down.

To Mick Coles, Bryan Rooney, Keith Robertson - thanks for a job well done.

To Doug Livingston, Virgil Weber, Sal Guilliami, Ken Parks and Freddy Alwag (The Honeycomb Kid).

To DeBlasio, Wald and Hammerman on my tour d'Europe, thanks for a job well done and coordinated. (Love y'all for trying.) Don't forget to get your pacemakers ready for the next time out.

Dedication to Joyce Bogart and Susan Munao for the synopsis, and to the unborn Bogart, much love.

To Christy Hill for her good sense of humor, even at times when it was totally uncalled for.

To Paul Jabara - Aunti Rosa will love you forever - Sucha Italian boya!

To Danny Peck - Didn't I tell you so? You've got a soul and I feel it in mine.

To everybody at the Casbah.

To Andrew Gaines, Mary E. Gaines, Linda and Summer Gaines, Jeanette& Yana & Harvey Yancy, Ritchie & Mozel & Corwin Morgan & Katanya Gaines, Andrea & Asha & Lanru Gaines.

To Christian Duerr for believing and making me believe in things that I could feel but could not see. I love you.

To Mimi, my main reason for living and believing - I need you, my child. I need you. It is magic... Love, Mama

Love, Donna


Live & More

With special thanks...

To my grandfather William A Davis

To my parents, Mr. & Mrs. A Gaines, who started all this mess in the first place

To my sisters Jeanette, Andrea, Linda, Dara and Mary and their husbands, Howie, Kenny, Gilbert and Geraldo

To my brother Richard and his wife Mozel

And to all my nieces and nephews, Morgan, Corwin, Ayana, Katanya, Asha, Ruru, and Little Summer

To my aunt Rita Rogers and all her children

To Uncles Barny, Clarence, Allen, Milford, Sol, James, George and Ed

To my aunts Dot, Eula, Mary and Ruby

To the Grant A.M.E Church for giving me my start

To Wilbert who keeps me up and laughin' when I should be asleep

To Pat, Monique, Barbara

To Louie Veglia for hair care and styling

To Susan, you and me kid

To the office gang at Munao Management

To Joyce and Neil Bogart and baby Bo, Jill Bradley and Timothy

To Mr. James Anderson for his impeccable security

Personal thanks to my band, I love you guys, yo' the bess

Personal thanks to Sunshine and good luck with "Watchin' Daddy Dance"

To Marc the spark the moon walker

Just remember that your baby understands, yeah

To my worst critic, my daughter Mimi and my biggest fan and aspiring singer

To Brutzi, who's sacrificed so much for me

And I thank God


Bad Girls

To Neil: I remember yesterday. I love you, thanks for being a believer.

I would like to thank all the heads of the departments and all those without heads for your undying support. Larry Harris, Bruce Bird, Cecil Holmes, Peter Guber, Dick Sherman, Marc Paul Simon, Brian Interland, Ellen Wolff, Roberta Skopp

To Maurice Lathower: Remember my name is "Donnierre Summierre," and get that right.

To Chris Whorf: You never let me down.

To Phyllis Chotin: We both have the same Dream in common.

To Celeste Peters: From roly-poly little kid on the corner.

To Frances Lawson: Little Orphan Frannie.

To Eva Martinez and Pina Linares: Siempre está ahi cuando las necesito, y siempre tien una sonrisa.

To Joyce Bogart: Thank you for your wonderful contributions on my album cover. I love you.

To Susan Munao: The magic woman. My absolute love and admiration for your ability to sustain through the thick of it. By the way, you make a very good bad girl on the cover too.

To the gang at Munao Management: You wouldn't be satisfied 'til you brought Brooklyn with you.

To Marie Bennett (Aunt Marie): Thank you for coming out here, we need you. Toni Ann Serpico, Mark Figueroa, Barry Sudano and Helene Oster.

To Gerardo Bernard: I gave you the chance and you ran away with it. Mister, am I proud of you.

To Pat Naderhoff: You give me your love, I give you my ulcers.

To Keith Robertson: You never let me down when things get rough.

To Brian Rooney: One would think that after all these years, the draft would have killed you.

To Giorgio Moroder: Giorgio, you make a great john.

To Pete Bellotte: You did an incredible job. I told you if you took off your hat your head would get a chance to breathe.

To Juergen Koppers: Koppy, you are the best and the best in the wets. Ja wohl!

To Keith Forsey: You are great with your four on the floor.

To Harold Faltermeyer: You did a fantastic job. I love working with you.

To Steve Smith and Carolyn: It's always great working with good people.

To Summer Nights and all the boys in the band (Michael Warren, Bob Conti, Virgil Weber Sal Guilliami, Doug Livingston, Richard Edelman): You've picked me up when I've been down and treated me like….!

To Sunshine (Carlene Williams, MaryEllen Bernard, Dara Bernard): Hold on it won't be long.

To Brooklyn Dreams (Joe Esposito, Eddie Hokenson, Bruce Sudano): Thank you boys for making my "Live And More" album such a success.

To James Anderson: Ladies may fall over your green eyes but you are still "au sauvage" to me.

To Wilbert Reed: Y-Y-You a-a-are t-t-the b-b-best.

To Inky (Bobby) Incorvaia: Thanks for being so good to me when I needed a studio and you gave me some time at Magic Wand.

To Peter De Palmer: You make me feel like it's worth it all… I love you.

To Jan Silverno and Lee Friedman: Thanks for helping me get my house and mind together.

To Louis and Barbare Veglia: You've finally made it to the cover.

To Nellie Prestwood and Linda Steihl: Thanks for being bad girls.

To Nicole, Joey, Phyllis Esposito and the kids in Brooklyn: I love you.

I would like to say hi to all my friends in Roxbury.

To Mummy and Daddy: I don't need to say I love you and that I honor you. Now that I have my own child, I know that I must have driven you crazy.

To Jeanette, Ricky, Andrea, Linda, MaryEllen and Dara: It's time to move out West.

I would like to thank Howie, Mozel, Gerardo and Gilbert for their support.

I would like to thank all my nieces and nephews, Morgan, Corwin, Ayana, Katanya, Asha Ruru, and little Summer.

Dear Bruce: If you want me to be strong, I'll give it everything I can. You'll never have to worry cause we're not in a hurry. On my honor, I'll try.

To Mimi: Sometimes when you're gone, I don't know why, I find the simple need to sit and cry. It's not that I'm lonely or that I'm blue, it's just that I need to be with you. Our love will last forever.

I want to thank GOD for all the wonderful things above, behind, beneath and in front of me.



On The Radio

Special Thanks to Barbra Streisand, Jon Peters, Charles Koppelman, Gary Klein, Juergen Koppers, John Arrias, Greg Mathieson, Paul Jabara and Bruce Roberts, and to my "pros" Giorgio and Pete.

To Vernon Hicks - A musical asset

And to my loved ones for being so understanding - Mimi, Bruce and God for getting us through it.


The Wanderer

A Special Thanks to my family for being supportive; to my daughter Mimi; to my husband Bruce for all his understanding; to my sister Susan for never wandering; to all my fans; and a special thanks to the Supreme Being, the Creator; without Whom there would be no beginning and no end.


I'm A Rainbow

Special thanks to: Bruce Carbone, Eileen Cleary, Donna Fetchko, Jehanne Languedoc, Susan Munao, Stan Moress, Gerry Rosenblatt, Bob Shea & Bruce Sudano


Donna Summer

Special Thanks To:

My husband Bruce Sudano: For his loving care, patience and understanding - I love you; my children Mimi and Brooklyn, my parents, Mr. & Mrs. Gaines, my in-laws, Mr. & Mrs. Sudano, sisters, brother and relatives - for your love and support.

Qunicy Jones: You will always stand out in a crowd, better than the rest; your reputation precedes you. Greatness is not attained merely by speaking of it, but by much hard work, long hours, the will to do one's best and Q, you've got it! - all - and now even I have a "Jones" for you.

David Geffen: Thank you for your good judgement and determination to get the best from everything and everyone you touch.

Ed Rosenblatt and the gang at Geffen Records: "Go get 'em guys."

Susan Munao: For your loyalty, good ideas and your hard work - "God bless you."

Appreciation To

Bruce Swedien: Thank you so much for keeping track of the hundreds of tracks. You're great at what you do.

David Foster, Steve Lukather, Rod Temperton and Qunicy Jones: The songwriters, extra special thanks for the beautiful songs you composed.

Bruce Springsteen: I had such fun "hangin' out and workin' out" for this song. Let's do it again real soon - "Alright Boss!"

James Ingram: You gave me more than "Just Once." Thank you.

David Grusin, Herbie Hancock and "Mouse" Greg Phillinganes: Special thanks for working on :Lush Life" with me until you could sing it.

All Star Chorus: Dara Bernard, Dyan Cannon, Christopher Cross, James Ingram, Michael Jackson, Peggy Lipton Jones, Qunicy Jones, Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald, Lionel Richie, Brenda Russell, Dionne Warwick, and Stevie Wonder. "How can we miss with heavyweights like you." Thank you.

H.B. Barnum: Special Blessing for you and The "Life" Choir. You are all great.

Lee Abrams: What a great idea.

Nellie Prestwood: For the late nights to see me through, keeping me looking good. "God bless ya."

Pam Sherman: For hair.

Ruth Goldstein: For keeping a good count.

David Gotterer: For keeping track.

The gang at the office: Andrew Gaines, Marie Bennett, Gerardo Bernard, Deborah Mailloux, Damaria Bernard, Daaron Grossa and Susan Wilson. Thank you.

All my fans: I dedicate the song "Livin' In America" to you for your kindness and loyalty.

In Memory Of:

Neil Bogart, who was instrumental in getting me to where I am today. He was a man who loved to live, and always had a goal. "Why head for a mountaintop when you're reaching for the sky." He made the world believe… they could see right through his eyes. I will always love you!

My Extra Special Thanks to GOD, the Father, for combining all of the above talents in such great harmony, for giving us these gifts and the ability to use them. I PRAISE THE LORD and surrender all unto HIM.

- Love, Donna


She Works Hard For The Money


No one person makes makes a show or a record come to pass. It takes a lot of people to make something good better. Every link of the chain must remain unbroken. I'd like to thank that chain now:

God - For everything

My husband Bruce Sudano - If I've made mistakes please forgive me oh Charlie B Don't run away, forget your old pride remember I'm going to stay. I do believe I fell in love.

My kids - Mimi, Brooklyn & Amanda - Thanks for being patient & loving.

My mother and father, mother and father-in-law - For being a strong support system and a lamp unto us each. We love you.

Sisters and brothers, brothers-in-law - thank you for your prayers which got me through.

Susan Munao - All this hard work has truly made you grow in my eyes. By George, I think you're 5 feet tall now.

Michael Omartian - Words cannot express what I feel for you and Stormie, but I know that you were God sent and I love you.

Household staff:
Rosa, Grace, Carlos, Daisy, Susan Gilmore, Bobby Stewart - Big thanks and love for keeping the home front warm and sacrificing above and beyond the call of duty.

Office staff:
Gerardo Bernard, Andre Davie, Ruth Goldstein, Debbie Malloux, Nellie Prestwood, Frank Scheidbach, Lynne Spillane - Thank you for holding up the fort in my absence.

To the people who keep me looking good: Pam & the girls at Sa-Hair-ah Salon, Linda Cowan, Helene Oster, Kim Troy

Greg Phillinganes & Jay Graydon - We write well together, we should do it more often, drawing on the raw what's happenin'

John Guess & Larry Fergusson - A great source of inspiration.

Kenny Rogers and the family at Lion Share - You are a class act.

Roberta Kelly and Kelly Putnam - A special thanks

I thank the body of believers who keep us lifted up. We dedicate this work to you Lord, Supreme Being and give back the talents which you have given us as a witness, We stand before the world. For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son. (John 3:16)

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised. And we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed... (Isiah 53:3-12)


The Summer Collection

I ask God to bless Aart Dalhuisen, Bas Hartong, Guenter Hensler, Ton Vander Bremmer, Geffen Records, and all those who worked hard to make this album possible. Love Donna


Cats Without Claws

This is my prayer: that God will bless anyone and everyone who buys or possesses this record with the truth and the holy spirit - with love and understanding - financially and physically in Jesus' name. And God to you be the glory for my talents.

To my husband Bruce Sudano - a great talent and a wonder to me. You're my pot of gold. And, I love you.

To Mimi, Brooklyn & Amanda - for letting me sleep late, I love you.

To my Daddy and Mommy, Andrew and Mary Gaines - for keeping me lifted up and covered with prayers and blessings.

To Mary, Andrew, Ricky, Mo, Jeannette, Howie, Ami, Linda, Larry, Marry Ellen, Gerardo, Dara, Gilbert, Madge, Lou, Barry and Glen - God bless you. We are family.

To Susan Munao - who finally took a break and gave me one!!

To Michael Omartian - for your love and incredible talent, patience and spirit. You are a great producer and truly my brother in Christ.

To Pastor Ken and Mary Pientke (and LA Crescenta Valley 4-Square Church) - for your prayers and spiritual support.

To David Geffen - thanks for staying out of the kitchen this time. Now I hope you love this meal.

To Eddie Rosenblatt, Johnny Barbis, Carole Childs, Robin Rothman and the entire Geffen Records family - for your creative support and constructive input.

To WEA International - thanks for the hands across the water.

To John Guess, Larry Fergusson, Kahliq, Juergen Koppers - you keep getting better.

To Kenny Rogers, Terry Williams, Kin Vassy, Jay Antista, Joel Jaurequi, Peggy Needleman, Rowena Buxton, Paula Rogers, Dann Rogers - thanks for making Lion Share a home.

To Jude Elliott, Ruth Goldstein, Gina Delgado, Linda Bottlik - for holding down the fort and lifting up the business.

To Bobby Stewart - My "Mr. T."

To Nellie Prestwood, Helene Oster, Linda Cowan, Bertha Joffrion - who keep me looking good.

To Chris Whorf - my graphic-traffic wizard

To Stig Edgren - you are a great stage designer and a revolutionary of color and lights.

To Otis "Solid" Sallid and his beautiful dancers (Steve La Chance, Mimi Kinkade, Russell Wong, Wayne Bascomb, Aurorah Allain).

To Dick Olson and my "Rainbow Ministry" tour crew.

To Kelli and Roberta Kelly - for your support.

To Stormie Omartian - for patience as a long-distance runner. I know I bit off a piece of your vacation. Forgive me, it was for art's sake.

To Nell Carter - the other "Diantha Sumpters" (I want to buy your ticket to Hawaii!).

To James Hopkins - thanks for "the threads."

To Candace Walters - thanks for "the look."

To Marc Figueroa - whose laughter and support kept us from "buying the farm."

To Rosa, Carlos, Ana, Grayce, Raul - for keeping the home-front fires burning and making it pleasant for me to live.

To Raymond, Ginette and the kids - for helping get our house in order.

To Nick Todaro - our Cal-Star Travel star.

To Father Benedict Groechel, and father Glenn Sudano - for the inspiration on the line "Cats Without Claws."

To Reba Rambo and Donnie Mcguire - for "Forgive Me"; a song I hope will bless many people as it has blessed me. It is definitely a divinely annointed song.

And the piece de resistance "my band": Jeff Lams (Musical Director), Mari Falcone (Orchestra Conductor), Paul Bahn (drums), John Schreiner (synthesizer), Nathan Alford, Jr. (percussion), Keith Nelson (bass), Gene Miller (featured vocalist).


All Systems Go

Special Thanks:

I thank God for helping me to finish this album after three years of hard work and for all these wonderful people for helping

Bruce Sudano for love and guidance, tenderness, understanding, balance and strength

Susan Munao for all your love, hard work, long nights and sacrifices

Mimi, Brooklyn and Amanda Sudano for love and kisses, for getting excellent grades in school and for being obedient, kind and loving children

Andrew and Mary Gaines and Lou and Madge Sudano for your loving and prayerful support

James and Mary Ellen Strong, Russell and Carolyn Wright, Charles and Carolyn Harrell, Beverly (Bam) Crawford and Pastor Jack Hayford for your spiritual support, prayers and love

Pastor and Mrs. Tom Loy, Jr. for your prayers and support

Rosa Argueta, Carlos, Anna and Giovanni Argueta, Liliana Moriera, Enrique Duran and Raymond Lanciault for keeping my personal life in order.

Gina Delgado for hangin' in there though the long tough hours, you did it kid

To the producers for good songs, good memories and lots of laughs: Peter Bunetta, Rick (Cheese) Chudacoff, Harold Faltermeyer, Jeff Lams, Keith Nelson, Michael Omartian, Richard Perry and Brenda Russell

Richard Perry for such professionalism and love. I wish you and Rebecca white picket fences, the pitter patter of little feet and many years to dream together

Jim Tract, the you-done-good boy

Brenda Russell for a great, classy song!! Thanks for your loving and caring

Mickey Thomas of Starship for singing so great and Bill Thompson for workin' it out

Al Bunetta and Joe Erickson, thanks for the luv vibe

To the engineers and their assistants for all the great sounds: Terry Christian, Liz Cluse, Larry Ferguson, Glen Holguin, Uli Rudolf and Toby Wright

Gerardo Bernard, André Davie, Ruth Goldstein and Sydney Ritchey for keeping my business head on straight

Gary Kress from Murphy & Kress for keeping it rolling. Yo Gerch!

Tracy Nicholas for the "in-house" support

Nathan Alford, Jr., Paul Bahn, Dara Bernard, Mary Ellen Bernard, Mari Falcone, Jeff Lams, Gene Miller, Randy Mitchell and Keith Nelson for all your input, love and help

Buzz Bolton, Robby Edwards, Dave Hackbarth, Mark Kohorn, Dick and Marge Olson and Bobby Stewart for holding all the ends together

Stig Edgren, Greg Hamm and Fred McDonald for making my stage and lighting look good

Paula Abdul, Wayne Bascomb, Morgan Lawley and Jennifer Page for your hard work on the dance floor

Shawna McGee, Berta Joffrion and Lona Pyle for keeping me looking beautiful

Nick Todoro and Par Avion Travel Inc for getting me places on time

David Geffen, Eddie Rosenblatt, Al Coury, Robin Rothman, Vaughn Thomas, Ronnie Vance, John Brodey and team along with the entire Geffen Records family for everything, your help, patience, encouragement and support

David Gotterer for your hard work and energy beyong the call of duty

Marty Beck chicky baby, you're beautiful, call me Tuesday

Gerry Rosenblatt, Don Engel for legal advice and loving care

Everyone at William Morris Agency, a special thank you: Norman Brokaw, Walter Zifkin, Dick Alen, Tom Illius, Fred Moch and Lee Salomon

Stan Moress, Herb Nanas and Bob Shea for picking up the ball and running with it


Another Place And Time


I'd like to thank first God for all of his protection, guidance, peace, joy and love and for giving me such nice and wonderfully talented people to work with.

Mike, Matt and Pete with much love, David Howells, Pitstop, Andy, Yoyo, Karen and all the helpers, and all the girls. Nicki, Sheri, Sharon and Lucy, who really work hard for their money.

To Ahmet Ertegun for saving me from a tight spot. Doug Morris, Mark Schulman, Ken Komisar, Tunc Erim, Sylvia Rhone. The WEA people, Rob Dickins, Paul Conroy, Kick Van Hengel, Ruby Merjan, Bill Fowler, what a fashion statement. Tracy Nicholas, VP of publicity and a dear friend. Ray Still , you've done a great job, you're on a roll, I love you. Plus all those who worked on this record and brought it home.

Bruce, I love you so much, immeasurably. Brooklyn, Amanda Grace, and Mimi, I love you, you're the best. To my parents Mary and Andrew Gaines, and mother and father in law Madge and Louis Sudano, to all my sisters and brothers, and to Al, Ceil and Dana Kasha for being my helping hands and lips, I love you. To Barry Sudano and all the people at Sky View on the Hudson and Nesen Motor Cars, thank you very much. Gary and the girls for everything, and Bernice and George, Rosa, Carlos and Anna, Willie, Enrique, thank you. I love you. Gina Delgada, Tracy Nicholas, I love you. To Susan Munao, to Gerry Rosenblatt and Gary Kress "get em tigers" you're the best. to Norman Brokaw, Marty Beck, Dick Alen and William Morris Co., a great team on my side, to Keith Nelson, Mary Falconi and the band I love you.

To my loving fans who have been so loyal for so long, thank you so very much.



Mistaken Identity

I thank God for getting us through this record in spite of many obstacles and I thank Him for His wisdom, His grace, His love and for my talents and the talents of the people that worked with me jointly on this project.

To Keith Diamond, thank you for relentlessly pursuing and persisting to write, produce and complete this album, also for the many lessons that you taught me through your diligent caring about every little detail. This is just the beginning of a male buddy bonding thing. And remember, you may be just Keith to me, but you're Mr. Rabbit Killer (just a joke) to everyone else.

To Ahmet Ertegün, Doug Morris, Paul Cooper, Tunc Erim, Mary Timmons and all the people at Atlantic Records that worked on this project, thank you so much for all your support and help on this record.

To Max Hole, Kick van Hengel, Tracy Nicholas Bledsoe and Greta Schickersinsky, thank you for all your time, attention and support on this record.

A special thanks to Kick van Hengel, Tunc Erim, Tracy Nicholas Bledsoe and Paul Cooper for holding my hand through this album.

To all the writers, Keith Diamond, Larry Henley, Anthony Smith, Eve Nelson, Paul Chiten, and Donna Wyant, thank you so much for helping to construct the songs and the grooves on this album. Thanks for your ideas, your help and you have permanent membership in the R.K. Brigade.

To George Karras, thank you for hanging in there through the long hours, back pains, headaches and through things that go thump in the night, (like the bass line). You're a sweetheart.

To Bernie Becker, thank you for all your long hours, hard work and for all of your help. Congratulations on your new studio!

To Gerry Rosenblatt, thank you for cutting through all the red tape and making it understandable to me. Thank you for all your years of assistance, kindness and friendship, it does not go unnoticed. You are very special to me. Besides, anyone that can put up with me on a daily basis has got to be special. So for all the times that I didn't say it, thank you.

To Gary Kress and Murphy & Kress, thank you for keeping all the finances in order and for all your support and assistance in the making of this record.

To Jack & Carolyn Solomon and all my friends at Circle Fine Arts Gallery, thanks for your patience and support.

To Stig Edgren, thanks for your guidance, for believing in me and giving me direction when I really needed it.

To Mary Loving, thank you for all your help and assistance.

To Patricia Mclaughlin, thank you for all of your help and assistance.

To Ceil Kasha, thank you for your constant attention, your support, your caring, your mothering and your nagging me on to greater heights. Thanks for being a sister, a cheerleader and most of all my armour bearer. And yes, I am a lizard.

To Gina Delgado, thank you for all your prayers, support, your patience, for listening, for being a sounding board and a friend. Also to your family, Dorothy Miller and De Mario Hurst. Come on De Mario, make me proud of you.

To Bertha Joffrion and Lona Pyle at Sa-Hair-Ahh, Christina Ackah, Toni Parham, Rita Milske and Helen Staal, thank you for your patience, time and your attention. It paid off girlfriends.

To Pat Naderhoff, it's great to be back together again.

To Mary Barbairen and all the folks at Bon Choix, thank you for all your patience, time and hard work.

To Paul Bahn, Gerardo Bernard, Mary Ellen Bernard, Buzz Bolton, Bob Conti, Robby Edwards, Mari Falcone, Dave Hackbarth, Gregg Ham, Warren Ham, Jeff Lams, Gene Miller, Susan Miller, Randy Mitchell, Keith Nelson, Dick Olson, Marge Olson, Bobby Stewart, Shawn Dean, Neil Thomas, and Ricky Walters, thank you all for your years of support and love.

To Dr. Richard Parker, my chiropractor, hey you, get off my back! You're the best.

A special thanks to Brian Edwards, Kathy Wagner, Mike Moran, Jeff Gottesfeld and Scott Simpson (Frosti) for all your help, love and support.

To Mimi Sommer, my oldest daughter, you made it. Yes!! Enjoy life, you're witty, you're beautiful and you're talented. Use all your God-given abilities and all of the embellishments and you will go far in life.

To Amanda & Brooklyn Sudano, thank you for being patient with your mom, letting me sleep in, not making noise and giving me back massages when I was in pain. I could not ask for more than my three beautiful daughters.

To Mary & Andrew Gaines, my parents, my counselors, my confidantes and my role models, just think, that you're responsible for all this. (Doesn't that make you feel good?)

To Lou Sudano (Jack), "Thanks for the memories". Thanks for keeping everything afloat at the home front. And hey, the song "Only You Can Kiss My Boo Boo", could, could be a hit. But don't give up your day job.

To Madge Sudano, my mother-in-law, thanks for being a constant support, babysitter, chief cook, bottle washer, secretary, nurse and basic all around everything you need person.

To Barry & Jacqueline Sudano, thank you for your prayers and support and together you can conquer the world.

To Father Glenn Sudano, thank you for all your prayers and support.

To William A. Davis (Little Grandpa), I love you very much, you're my walking history book.

To Ricky, Mozel Corwin, Katanya Gaines, Howie, Jeanette, Ayanna, Yancey, Amy, Asha, Alamrew Gaines Tesfayohannes, Larry, Linda, Summer, La Donna Lotman, Gerardo, Mary Ellen, Aja, Gerardo Jr., Shani, Rhema, Christopher Bernard, Dara Gilbert Jr., Zeraena and Baby Dara Bernard, thank you so much for your prayers and support.

To my little cousins, Edward C. Harris II, Larentz O. Greene II, Zaius Dela Cruz, Sumara Dela Cruz and David Dela Cruz, you never know what good treasures life has in store for you, so be good.

To Pastor Dan & Melody Walczuk and all the members at Gateway Foursquare Church, thank you for your compassion, your counseling and your prayers.

To Rosa Argueta, Carlos & Anna Argueta, Willie Nefeo, Enrique Duran and Lucy Olivares, thank you for your love and support and for keeping my households together.

To Denise Eppolito and Eddie Hokenson, you're like a sister and brother to me. Thank you for all your attention, support and companionship. It means a lot to me.

A special thanks to Al Kasha and Dana Kasha for all of your prayers and support.

To Ma Cassiani, thank you for helping me when I was starting out, for sewing my dresses and for being a light of hope in my sometimes pitch black night. I love you.

To Dr. Mary Ellen Strong, I dedicate this to you I memory of James Strong, who was very special to me, I know that if you're looking down that you're smiling, you remain in my heart and I love you.

In loving memory of Stanislawa Baginska, Joseph Esposito and Sophia van Hengel.

To Priscilla Degan, thank you for putting up with the long hours and sacrificing so much at such an important time of your life.

To Mrs. Angela Degan at Maison Brazil Restaurant, thank you for feeding us during the recording of this album.

To Vanessa Smith, thank you for your encouragement and fine taste. I appreciate all that you have done for me.

A special thanks to the fan club, to Tom Gilliam, Jerry Kovac, Al Hamood, Steve Rozeniki, thank you for your wonderful newsletters, constant attention and your constant love and admiration. I love and admire you too.

To Bruce Sudano, President of Purple Heart Records, alias my husband, friend, my confidant, my partner, my doctor, my teacher, talented writer, composer, producer, singer, father to our children, sports fan, Man-Of-The-Year, Buddy-Buddy and Rooster Man, I love you infinitely just for putting up with me. It takes a special guy with the patience of Job and I might add, a very good sense of humor to be with a nut like me. Thanks for all your support, for your peace, for your commitment to me and for your undying love. You're a real babe and you're my man!

To those who believe, all things are possible!



The Donna Summer Anthology

I thank God for surrounding me with so many creative, talented, sometimes wild and sometimes crazy people, right from the beginning of my recording career. I'm very thankful for you and your input in my career and life. Through the good, the bad, the happy and the sad, you're always a part of me. You were with me from the beginning and remain in my heart eternally: Giorgio Moroder, Pete Bellotte, Neil & Joyce Bogart, Cecil Holmes, Susan Munao, Maury Lathower, Jheryl Busby, Bruce Bird, Gerry Rosenblatt, Norman Brokow, Sam Wesbord, Marty Beck, William Morris Agency, Marc Paul Simon and Paul Jabara. God Bless.

A special thanks to my husband Bruce Sudano, my kids Amanda, Brooklyn & Mimi, my parents Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gaines, my in-laws Lou and Margaret Sudano, Ceil and Al Kasha, Gina Delgado, Rosa Argueta, Tom Gilliam & all the guys that run the fan club, Brian Edwards and all my "Friends Unknown." To the hundreds of people who have had a helping hand in my career over the years, God Bless You …



Christmas Spirit

Thank God for the many gifts He's given to the people I work with and to me. To God be all the glory.

I'd like to thank Ed Eckstine and all the heads of Mercury for their constant attention and creative ideas and their input and constant influx of support... it means the world to me... and I love you. To Bas Hartong... you've always been in my corner. Thanks John Mazzacco, Bill Levenson, David Leach, Dawn Bridges, Josh Zieman, Michael Bays, Bruce Carbone, Christine Derespiris, Donna Fetchko, Eileen Cleary, Mary Walzer, Linda Paparelli, Ken Krongard, Stan Ades, Rachel Mintz, Noemi Gallego, Donna Elliott; from the most highly visible to the least visible component involved from the very beginning stages up to the time we shipped to the stores. Thanks to Gerry Rosenblatt, Gary Kress and all at Murphy & Kress, Gina Delgado and Dennis Eppolito... I thank you for flexibility and creativity. I want to thank Michael Omartian, Terry Christian, Scott Link, Robert Charles, King Williams, Larry Jeffries, James Dineen III, Ronn Huff, Nashville String Machine, Heritage Children's Choir. Thank you so much for making a  dream come true for me... you did a wonderful job! In the future, when we look back on this project, it will be one we will always be very proud of.

Thank you Bruce, to my husband and my constant companion with all your  input as each morning when I wake up with you "for the rest of my life."

Thanks to my daughters, Mimi, Brooklyn, Amanda and thanks to Rosa Argueta for your commitment to me and your patience with my flying back and forth and so much travel during this time. Thanks to my parents, Mary and Andrew Gaines, without whom this would not have been possible. Thanks to my father and mother-in-law, Mr. Lou Sudano and Mrs. Margaret Sudano for your incredible dedication and helping to hold down the fort. I love you.

Thank you Donna Buck-Tisdale, you've got the patience of Job.

Thank you Ceil Kasha for your constant belief and support and for pushing me to greater heights. To Brian Edwards, who's given me his undying support and has constantly assisted and protected me over the years and has taught me the enduring art of eating fried catfish! You and Ceil are my "dynamic duo." Thanks Tom Gilliam and Nick Petrone with an extra thank you to the fan club for urging me to do this. Special thanks to Gerardo for pulling all this together; for all his efforts and for his courage. God bless you.

I'd like to thank Stan, Bob, Herb and Kimberly and everyone at my new management office, Moress Nanas Shea Entertainment.


Endless Summer

Thank God for the many gifts He's given to the people I work with and to me. To God be the glory.

I'd like to thank Ed Eckstine for his leadership input and constant support… you're the best. To Bas Hartong and Bruce Carbone: your participation and your caring are more than I could have asked for and I can not tell you how much I appreciate your hanging in there till the bitter end. Thanks to all the gang at Mercury, especially John Mazzacco, David Leach, Dawn Bridges, Jeff Brody, Joe Parker, Randy Roberts, Josh Zieman, Bill Levevson, David McDonagh, Daniel Jason, Pamela Rosenberg, Tom van den Bremer, Michael Bays, Margery Greenspan, Annette Mitchell, Christina Serespiris, Donna Fetchko, Eileen Cleary, Mary Walzer, Linda Paparelli, Ken Krongard, Rachel Mintz, Stan Ades, Noemi Gallego, Donna Elliott, Tom Arnt and Kristy Eisele. Thanks to Gerry Rosenblatt and to Gary Kress, Carla Green and all at Murphy & Kress, Gina Delgado, Denise Eppolito and Bertha Joffrian. I want to thank Michael Omartian (I'm proud of you "lots"), Terry Christian and Scott Link for their imagination creativity and drive. Thanks to Welcome and Joe Carrano. Many thanks to Robert Clivilles, David Cole and Barbara Warren Pace. Thank you so much for making a dream come true for me… you did a spectacular job! Thanks to Harry Langdon for his picture perfect contribution to this project.

Thank you to Bruce, to my husband and constant companion. Your brilliance, your talent, your patience and your love show me how much I still need to learn. I love you and admire you so. To my wonderful daughters, Mimi, Brooklyn , Amanda and to Rosa Argueta… I wish to thank you all for your commitment to me and your patience with me. I love you so much. You are my life. P.S. Congratulations Mimi and Rick Dohler.

Thanks to my parents, Andrew & Mary Gaines and Lou & Margaret Sudano, for the good example you have been throughout our lives… and continue to be. We love you.

Thank you Donna Buck-Tisdale, you've got the patience of Job… truly. God bless you Sis.

Thanks Ceil Kasha for your constant believe and love and to Brian Edwards, who's my special angel. Thanks to Tom Gilliam, Jerry, Steve, Al and Nick Petrone, Veronica, Chris, Hassan and Dean… because of your encouragement, faith, prayers and your love, you have caused me to rise up when I've fallen down and to stand tall when I've been weak. I cannot thank you enough for all that you mean to me… A big juicy smacker on the lips!

I'd like to thank Stan, Bob, Herb, Kimberly and everyone at Moress Nanas Shea Entertainment. Welcome aboard and fasten your seat belts… get ready for the take off! You're doing a great job.

Thanks to The Design Studio in LA… to Nicky and the gang. Thanks to Rosemart Russel and her helpers for their wonderful designs and creations. To Weston Valet, thanks so much for keeping me pressed, tucked and ironed. Thanks to Mary Loving-Gregory and all at Steve Cropper Travel for their hard work and patience, you're one of a kind… thanks for everything.


Live And More Encore


I thank God for surrounding me with so many caring, gifted people, who have been dedicated to this project and given their utmost best to me and for the grace and joy that surrounds this project.  Bruce Sudano, you are my soul mate even if you still clap on 1-3. I love you and thanks for manning the ship. Brooklyn & Amanda Grace Sudano, you are all I could have ever dreamed of. Congratulations Brooklyn and Amanda on your straight A's. I'm honored to know you. Rick, Mimi & Vienna Dohler, you've been more than a jewel all the way and we love you. You have a bright, creatively inspired future waiting you. Andrew and Mary Ellen Gaines, Margaret Sudano, Lou Sudano, my brother, sisters nieces, nephews & other family members, thank you for your prayers, guidance, love and understanding. Alice and Stanley Harris, thank you for your undying love and support. (Don't forget the other redhead.) Ceil& Al Kasha, thank you for all your support on the professional and home front, congratulations on your new home. Mona & JohnSteele, Dianne & Rodney Palmer, Lynn & Dennis Landesberg, Al & Dawn Bunetta, Anita & Daro Blankenship, Bill & Renee Morris, Michael & Stormie Omartian, Bernice & George Altschul, Nathan & Laurie DiGesare, Holly & Paul Green, and Susan Munao, thanks for your support, guidance, and love. Norman Brokaw, my mentor from the start, the man with the big heart. I love you. Susan Weaving & Ronald Scahill, thank you for your love and loyalty to my ongoing career. You are a tower of strength to me when the going gets tough. Gary Kress, Carla Green & Staff, thank you for keeping me up and running (you little groupie). Stan Moress, Gerald Rosenblatt, Elliot Brown, Peter Laird, Rob Heller, Ken DiCamillo, thank you for your hard work and support. Tommy Mottola, let's make some new memories. Dave Glew and Polly Anthony, I'm so happy to be a part of your family. Lee Chestnut, Frank Ceraolo, Kaz Utsunomiya, Bill Frohlich, Craig Bruhn, Rick Bisceglia, dale Cannone, Todd Glassman, Dawn Fox, Alice Butts, Vivian Piazza, Carol Chen, Maryann Wiedemuth, Karen Gruning, Steve Barnett, Lee Ferrucci, and the rest of the Sony Family, thank you for all your support and integrity. Your work has definitely inspired me to new heights. Wayne Isaak, Bruce Gillmer, Sean Murphy, and Michael Levine, thank you for your vision and commitment to excellence. Steve, Jordan & Marion Leber, thank you for all of your help in assisting me to get where I am. Rosa & Cesar Palpcios, Doris Gomes, Louie Martinez and Gina Delgado, thanks for keeping home together. Kimberly Lansing, my little adopted sister. I love you. Jamie Kuban, Tess Coutras, Phyllis Robinson, and Julie Bennett, you girls are my real backup singers. Greta Gryzwana-Teague, thanks for stretching me to the hilt. Pat Naderhoff, John Hayles, Gamilla Smith, Fran Wilkins, Bertha Joffrion, Gwen Bourhis, and Barry Hendrickson, thank you for keeping me looking my best. Tina Arena, thanks for your wonderful talent and lending your voice to my special... it made it even more special. Gerard Smerek , thank you for the good times we had in the studio. The Band: Mike Hanna - Musical Director / Piano / Synthesizer, Mary Ellen Bernard - Background Singer, Yvonne Hodges - Background Singer,  Bruce Sudano - Background Singer / Acoustic Guitar, Randy Mitchell - Guitar, John Billings - Bass, George Perilli - Drums, Darryl Tibbs - Percussion, Scott Hallgren - Keyboard, Ross Walters - Keyboard / Saxophone / Harmonica / Flute, The Crew: Scott Schneider - Tour / Production Manager, Lisa Magee - Stage manager, Greg Hamm - Lighting Director, Dave Frank - Monitor Engineer, Bobby Stewart - Security Director, Rod Henry - Moving Light Designer, John Flanagan - Band Technician, Rob Hilliard - Production Assistant, Tom Schull - Video Engineer, Tom Heinisch - Sound Engineer,  Denise Eppolito - Personal Assistant / Wardrobe, you are the best band and crew I've ever had and you take touring to the next level. Tom Gilliam , Paul Carlton, Steve Bennett, Archie Lynch, Jose Jimenez, Brian Edwards, Veronica Scaglione, Cathy Hawkins and the Fan Club Members, thank you for your undying support and love throughout the good and bad times, happy and sad times. I'm so glad God brought you into my life.


The Journey: The Very Best Of Donna Summer


I thank GOD for my life and talent and The Journey. For surrounding me with such wonderful people who have assisted in making this project possible and for the many blessings in my life.

My Husband, Bruce: Though joys and triumphs, sadness and disappointment. My One & Only...

My Family: Brooklyn, Amanda, Mimi, Rick, Vienna, and Savannah for helping me through this project, for your support and attention. I Love You.



Giorgio Moroder: For believing in me and putting up with me and my sense of humor. I love you, you're my big brother and I'm so thankful for your creative input in my life.

Susan Munao: For all your support and assistance. Your input, tenacity combines with the love and care with which you do everything, has made our joining forces on this project great... and you know you have the makings of being a Diva!

Kimberly & Kirk Manz: I'm forever grateful for your constant love, support and tireless efforts to help me no matter what and to keep my life on track. Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed and I couldn't have completed this journey without you by my side.

Bruce Resnikoff: It's a blessing to have someone like you in my corner, your enthusiasm and support is what has made this project so exciting. And to your incredible staff: Adam Starr, Jeff Moskow, Bob Mercer, Andy McKaie, Vartan, Charlie Katz, Sujata Murthy, Ken Patrick, Ute Freisleben.

To all my great Producers: Who have contributed so much to my musical journey: Giorgio Moroder, Pete Bellotte, Gary Klein, Qunicy Jones, Michael Omartian, Mike Stock, Matt Aitken, Pete Waterman.

To all the great Songwriters: Who have shared their talents through words and melodies that reach around the world. Giorgio Moroder, Pete Bellotte, Barry Manilow, Adrienne Anderson, Paul Jabara, Jimmy Webb, Greg Mathieson, Harold Faltermeyer, Keith Forsey, Bruce Sudano, Eddie Hokenson, Joe Esposito, Bruce Roberts, Quincy Jones, Rod Temperton, Merria Ross, Vangelis, Jon Anderson, Michael Omartian, Mike Stack, Matt Aitken, Peter Waterman, Nathan DiGesare.

Neil Bogart: A true visionary. I am thankful to God for bringing him into my life. It remains a testament to Neil's genius that this music continues to impact to many.

Joyce Bogart-Trabulus, you were there from the beginning. Thank you for your help and support.

Cecil Holmes, how could I ever forget the man who gave me his shoulder to drool on?

Norman Brokaw, the man, the mentor. Without you, I could not have carried on in my career.

David Geffen, your honesty and generosity, as well as your friendship, I will treasure always.

Aart Dalhuisen, a real peacemaker and true gentleman. I'll always remember you.

Doug Morris, you gave ma a home when I needed it most, and here were are together again.

Gerry Rosenblatt, your counsel has always been right-on all through the years.

Gary Kress, for keeping track of the cash.

Susan Weaving, your friendship and faithfulness continue. For always putting up with me and fighting for me.

Jonathan Karp, you are a gem. because of you this "Ordinary Girl" is now an author.

Bill Levenson, you're always supportive of my every turn, and a real friend in the trenches.

Harry Langdon, you always captured me in the right light, and put up with my creative craziness.

Bobby Stewart, you have always made me feel safe and secure... my bodyguard! I will always love you for that.

Joyce Friedman & Bob LaRosa, welcome aboard!

Brian Edwards, your constant help and support I cherish, my little brother.

Cathy Hawkins, who is always in my corner, and knows what's happening even before I do.

Tom Gilliam, for all your support throughout the years, your undying loyalty and love. Thanks also to Veronica Scaglione and Nick Petrone... and to ALL my American fans and those from ALL over the world: Africa; Australia; Canada; Austria; England; France; Germany; Holland; Italy; and the rest of Europe; Japan; South America, and the rest of the world. 

Special Thanks To: Abacus Media, Chris Butler, Ashley Culp, Jim Dobbe, Cliff Feiman, Ramon Galbert, Ritchie Gallo, Rickie Goodman, Kathy Hale, Anthony Hayes, Steve Heldt, Michael Kachko, Elliot Kendall, Robin Kirby, Jason Kleve, Lee Lodyga, Davis Mucci, Todd Nakamine, Mike Rosenberg, Laura Rutherford, Glen Sanatar, Anita Stewart, Jerome Stine, Richie Zito.



Firstly, I’d like to thank GOD from whom all of our gifts and talents come from, for taking the impossible out of the improbable and creating the inevitable

To my Burgundy/SONY BMG Team:

JOHN INGRASSIA: You have a great staff that under your leadership makes great choices. It’s a small tight machine, with honed skills and the eye of the tiger, of which you can be very proud. MATT STRINGER: From the day you walked in and hugged me and tried to convince me to make an oldies record, it was love at first sight. You have proved yourself over and over again. A man of your word, your love of the music makes those who make it strive even more for greatness and I love you for that. IRIS MAENZA: You’re like a charm, hanging off my neck. You always bring a sparkle to everything you do. Your fervor and commitment to excellence blows me away. Love you so much and thank you. ERWIN GOROSTIZA: You have great taste, vision and foresight. It’s as though you have a magic eye that no one else has. You put the perfect gloss on anything you touch. LARRY HAMBY: Thanks for your great ears and always encouraging voice of reason. JIM KELLY: The baby’s in your care, now it’s your hand that will “Rock” the cradle. I know you’ll do a great job. ANGELA BARKAN: You’re a sweetheart, a real go-getter who has it all covered. Keep pressing on!!


HOSH GURELI: Your expertise and passion for what you do is unrivaled. BOBBY SHAW: You’re No. 1! GERRY ROSENBLATT: You are constant from the beginning to the end…. all the way. I bet you have some good stories to tell. Thanks for running shotgun for me. BOB LAROSA: Thanks for taking good care of us, for screwing our heads on straight and plowing through the day-to-day grind. I nominate you the official Godfather. NORMAN BROKAW: Years of history, undying commitment, impeccable input, consistent encouragement and unfailing love-from one chairman to another. Thank you, Mr. Chairman of the Board. ROB HELLER: Hey Robbie, meeting at my place but not until after twelve (and bring your secret Ray Charles tapes). Thanks for your perseverance, balanced planning and seeing me as a person, not just another pretty face. So let’s face it, you’re my best man so let’s bat this ball out the stadium. PETE GANBARG: We made it through and no one got killed!!! I really appreciate your “Clive-like” eye for detail and unwavering commitment to me and this project. I smell greatness!! RANDY COHEN: From our first lunch appointment until now, you have proven yourself to be trustworthy, on the case, eyes wide open, forward thinking and loyal. I am grateful and thankful you have remained consistent and committed to this project and to me. I love you bubbie. SUSAN MUNAO: Since I stepped off the plane from Europe, it’s been a long journey and you’ve been tirelessly fighting for me all the way. No detail is too small for you. You’ve been a good sister and a good friend. You’re one of a kind. Woops, it’s true!

To all the songwriters that worked on this CD project with me: Your input and humor, your laughter and sadness helped to create a beautiful CD. I pray that these copyrights will be a great legacy to you in the years to come. DANIELLE BRISEBOIS: God bless you and your husband on your wedding day and new life. You’re a gifted woman and have a big future. May your dreams unfold greater than your expectations, I love you my “little sister.” GREG KURSTIN: You are a great man, gifted and an honor to know. I love you and I’m so proud of what we produced together. Save some time for me in the future. JR ROTEM: You’re headed for greater things than even you realize. You got the goods. EVAN “KIDD” BOGART: What can I say but that you are a gift from God, more than you will ever know. You made my life easy. Your unselfish ways were exemplary and you are extremely insightful and gifted. I know your mother Joyce is kvelling and your dad Neil is beaming from heaven saying “that’s my boy!” TOBY GAD: Working with you was like opening a little box of surprises. Every day was a joy even when our horns locked. LESTER MENDEZ & WAYNE HECTOR: My time with you was a learning curve, we have more to do and this journey has not come to an end. You both have helped me to see myself again. JAMIE HOUSTON: To my homeboy “Hey, I knew we could do it.” We can change the world and we have many more songs to write together. NATHAN DIGESARE & JAKOB PETREN: Nathan my brother, my studmuffin and Jacob, I am honored to be a part of this creative journey with both of you. Hattie will never be the same. AL KASHA: You’re a quiet man with thunder in your soul. Your wisdom ignites me, your support under girds me and your spirit refreshes mine. SEBASTIAN AROCHA MORTON: Your Latin passion and attentiveness to my energy in the studio was so fueling, I am a fire. You and I are a great match.


ZIGGY MARLEY: Thank you for coming in and adding a new color to Crayons. Let’s do it again. MIRI BENARI: It was my great honor to have you play on my record. In my opinion, you are one with your violin. JENNY BERGGREN: The minute we met I knew it would be a long time friendship. Thank you for your input on my record and sharing your world with me. MARY ELLEN BERNARD: My sister, you’re the wind beneath my wings and now it’s time for me to give back what you have given to me- fly, eagle fly. My love and support on your new gospel album are always there for you. HATTIE MAE BLANCHE DUBOIS: To my dear friend & sister, it’s been a dream of ours to do something together. You are one soulful woman.

Family & Friends:

BRUCE SUDANO: My husband and lover boy, “All that I need is sand on my feet and you.” Thank you for putting up with me even when I was tired and a “little” cranky, nervous and chatty. Thank you for the heart that beats within you, the courage to stand your ground and the uncomplicated and humble way that you address all things – you teach and inspire me to greatness or madness….you choose. To my children: MIMI-RICK, BROOKLYN-MIKE, AMANDA (and ABNER), my grandchildren: VIENNA, SAVANNA and ISAIAH….You’re the jewels in my crown, every time you sparkle it’s a reflection of the stone you were cut from. I’ve always been honored to be your parent and blessed to be able to call you my children. ROSA ARGUETTA: To my Rosie, you got me through so many days. I know you’re “the real diva” and the best is yet to come. LILLIANA MORENA and CAESAR PALACIO: Thank you for being such an important part of my life. TAIHISHA GRANT for all her support, encouragements and love. My sister JEANETTE, RICKY & MOZEL, LINDA, MARYELLEN & GERARDO, DARA and all my nieces and nephews. LOU, MADGE, BARRY, JACKIE, and FATHER GLENN SUDANO: Thank you all for humor, your love, support and keeping me grounded….. The Empress will be indebted to you for life. I love you all. ALICE & STANLEY HARRIS: We have a long history together, New York to Paris, Paris to the Hamptons and so on. Life with the Harris’ is always Fobulous! I love you. By the way….You’re not the boss of me. CEIL KASHA: My armor bearer and cheerleader, thank you for every time you picked up my spirits, ran along side of me and said, “You can do this.” Every time we ran whenever I dropped the ball, you didn’t. You kept the process moving. By the way, I found some fantastic chairs!


To my band & crew, my posse & my peeps: The first step is taken, the second is yours, “let’s get the show on the road!”

SCOTT SCHNEIDER: You’re my Eagle Scout, thanks for laying the ground work in front and behind the scenes. Few can walk in your shoes. You can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’. I appreciate you completely and love you dearly. DENISE EPPOLITO “DUTCHESS OF NARROWS”: There are few woman who can work backstage all day and night and still look like a high-class broad from Wall Street. You go girl! BOBBY STEWART: My bodyguard, you put yourself between danger and me and you’re more than a brother, you’re my guardian angel. Does that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?


Special thanks:

CLIVE DAVIS: Remember you told me it’s all about the song. Your words resonated in my mind the whole time I was working on this project. Thank you so much, I have the utmost respect for you.

JOE DIMURO: I know you were there at the beginning and none of this would have happened unless you had the courage to have said yes. Thank you for having faith in me.

I dedicate this album to my fans. I hope you love it. With all my heart, Donna


[The 60-70s] [The 80s] [The 90s] [The 00s] [Liner Notes] [Videos]



Copyright 1997-2015