The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Donna's 1999 Holiday Message To The Fans:


To My Devoted Fan Club Members:

Happy Holidays Everyone!!

It's been a phenomenal year and might I say I've worked hard for the money; and.... hard for no money. To all those who came to visit me in New Jersey and New York at the Television shows and all the other television tapings across America and the World, " You are indeed loyal, royal fans." Thanks for your undying support and for your critical eye and concern into matters concerning my career. I appreciate your thoughts and comments and welcome them. I view them as something positive because I know your hearts are with me.

I hope you all are prepared for the Y2K, as you can be sure I am. Have a little water on hand and food..... just in case.....remember a little generator wouldn't hurt. Oops! Am I obsessing? OK ... That's the mommy in me talking. Speaking of the mommy in me, let me be the first to tell you, that is in case Cathy hasn't told you already, that Bruce and I are going to be grandparents again this summer. Mimi and Rick, the parents of Vienna, who is now two, are expecting their second child. We don't know the sex of the baby yet.'s either a boy or a girl, I'm sure.

Brooklyn and Amanda Grace are, so far, doing great in school and hopefully, they'll be able to get back out on the road with us this spring, It was fun having them out on the road with Bruce and I this year. George Perelli, is back out on the road with us, drumming again. We are happy to have him back.

Mike Hanna, our newlywed, is still married and practicing the fine art of making love, not war. Must be why Christine always has a big smile on her face, and why Mike is always looking exhausted. The new single should be out in January. Their are some adjustments over at Sony in the promotion department, so hang on tight. Hopefully, the best is yet to come.

I hope your holidays are spent with the highest level of joy and God's blessings. My prayers are with you, and I hope that God will bless you with all the health, joy and spiritual growth and amazing financial success>>>but, especially with love. Because as we know....Love is the Healer.

P.S. The European Tour was "Da Bomb".

Donna Summer

© 1999 Donna Summer



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