The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Remember The White Party 

San Francisco October 10, 2010


Just a little background for those who don't know - on October 10 the Trocadero in San Francisco hosted a big event called Remember The White Party.  This year they made it a salute to Donna Summer with tons of Donna tunes, and a bunch of memorabilia up for auction. The proceeds went to Under One Roof - a local AIDS charity and as you will see from the reports below, the night was a big success!

Trocadero Transfer – Remember the White Party – 2010
A Tribute to Donna Summer
San Francisco, California

For someone unaware of what was going on, you would have thought that you stepped into a Time Machine and was directly transported to the thrilling times of Studio 54 circa 78. The Trocadero Transfer – Remember the White Party - A Tribute to Donna Summer’s Music Legacy was all a fan could have ever asked for! Those of us who grew up to Donna’s music but were not old enough to go out dancing in Night Clubs during its hey day, could finally get a taste of the 70’s Disco sensation… 

Party promoters Chris and Richard did an incredible job in setting aside and organizing together with Under One Roof the “Donna Summer Star Lounge” - where a silent auction took place. I had a blast in assisting the set up and decoration of the Donna Summer Star Lounge. I was putting up posters (which I brought in from my own personal collection) and auction flyers all over the club! I want to thank Donna and Bruce for taking time out of their busy schedule to send in beautiful signed items. All proceeds go directly to Under One Roof – A well-known San Francisco Bay Area AIDS charity organization. 

Under One Roof Retail Director, Ms. Deana Hemrich was delighted to see dozens of fans lining up to check out the auction items. Deana had asked me to assist her in managing the auction table. My role was to showcase the items and to explain in detail to all interested bidders (i.e. what each item was, their singularity, rarity, etc). I had such a great time meeting so many nice people! At the end of the night we were able to fetch a total of $907. One high bidder was from Melbourne, Australia. A huge Donna fan! He was delighted to acquire some of the rare items available. 

World famous DJ Jerry Bonham kept the crowd going to great music throughout the night. When he played Try Me, I Know We Can Make It. I had to excuse myself from the auction table and went directly to the dance floor. Jerry played the full album version Try Me, I Know We Can Make It. Everyone was in Disco Heaven! When I Feel Love started to play, the crowd went WILD! People were screaming, whistle blowing and dancing….Muscle boys, Drag Queens, Leather boys, disco balls, lights, balloons and fog…It was Spectacular! 

Please check out the party pics below. I hope fans all over the world will enjoy seeing the exciting activities we do on behalf of our Empress…

Toot–toot, Beep–beep. 

For Cathy’s website, Eduardo Hanke - your San Francisco Bay Area correspondent.

The party out here in San Francisco was incredible! Donna had her own room dedicated to merchandise up for auction. The street team was there. One photo sold for $260!! 

We danced to many great Donna songs including:

Spring Affair / Summer Fever
I Feel Love
Fairy Tale High
Heaven Knows (reverse vocal version)

just to name a few. The decor was unreal! Glittering disco balls, fog machines, and a huge crowd. It was all topped off with a massive white balloon drop. The event was a great success! I must have lost a good five to ten pounds sweating them away on the dance floor. Enjoy the short clip of "Fairytale High" being enjoyed by so many San Franciscans. It felt like 1978 all over again!

- Eli


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Eduardo with Rich & Chris, the promoters DeanaDawn & Diva D    


Eli sent me this little clip of the dancefloor.
(If it's not fully working, be patient - I uploaded it to YouTube right before I posted this update and it may take time for YouTube to fully process it.)


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