The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Phoenix Fan Reports 

October 16, 2010


I LOVED DONNA's Performance!

She looks fantastic and is looking trim and beautiful!

Donna's performance lasted about 40 minutes. Short. The Phoenix Symphony opened the show and the entire show was only allotted 1 hour and a half. She performed Mac Arthur Park, Could It Be Magic, Nature Boy, (then the updated Ferrari story) Enough Is Enough (with Mary Ellen), On The Radio, Bad Girls, Hot Stuff, Bad Girls. Last Dance was her encore.
I think this was the entire set list but may be wrong.

The crowd was a dud. Phoenix Symphony crowd that ONLY stood up for Last Dance.
My partner was uncomfortable with the crowd. They did applaud at the end of each song, and I think they were smiling (although I could be mistaken...there was so much plastic surgery evident there). Personally, I got up and danced and yelled and carried on. She acknowledged me...more than once! How could I be missed? Only about 4 others even stood up other than at the end!

I know Donna has said she'd consider doing a symphony tour...I say "please don't." The music was fantastic hearing Donna with a full orchestra. Just the crowd was not what I expect when i go to see Donna!

- Patrick in Phoenix

Just saw Donna Summer concert at Phoenix Symphony. Not what I expected. The concert started at 6:30pm . The audience was treated to several nice pieces played by the Symphony before Donna came out. I enjoyed the pieces but I could tell that the audience was getting impatient about the fact that Donna appeared later in the show then what we were expected. Thus making her performance a brief and sweet one. 

Donna looked more amazing then I have seen her in years. She look like she lost quite a bit of weight. She wore a black sequin gown with a long elegant wig. Her voice mesmerized the crowd and we were all happy to finally see her arrive. Her voice was on fire. she opened the show with "MacArthur Park" which I expected. She performed several songs I think. The poignant moment of the performance was when she performed a standard piece with the Symphony. This was when her voice and the symphony truly shined as one. I was disappointed that "I feel love" was not performed with the Symphony because I felt that it would have been a truly unique experience. I also felt that once the bass guitarist came out to perform on stage, that it began to take away the Unique experience that I was expecting. 

Donna performed "MacArthur park, "Could it be Magic", A Standard Song that I cant remember the name of, "On The Radio", "enough Is Enough, "Hard for The money" and "Last Dance". That was it. I understand that this was benefit concert. I'm glad that the proceeds were going to a good cause. But for the $202 that i spent for two tickets it was a really short concert. I craved more Donna Summer. Hopefully Donna will come back to Phoenix again soon and give her true fans a full fledged concert.

The Concert and Encore with The Phoenix Symphony was an amazing event. It was heaven listening to Donna perform with the symphony orchestra. Before she arrived on stage, there were some selections that were performed by the symphony. First it was the theme from The Magnificent Seven. Then there was "A Fifth of Beethoven". This was a perfect selection to pave the way for Donna's performance. The crowd seemed to really enjoy this disco flavored track that was also from Saturday Night Fever. Sure it was Saturday night, but Summer Fever was right around the corner !! One of the last selections was performed by The Valley Youth Theatre. The choir sang and danced to "Don't Stop Believing" . The young children and teens did a fantastic job and had fun dancing and singing in the isles and on stage. They had such great energy and really warmed up the audience.

It was now time for Donna to perform. Michael Christie (musical director) took to the stage and so did Donna's band. Donna arrived on stage looking gorgeous as ever. Her face was beaming as you could tell she was thrilled to be part of this special event. The first song she performed was Mac Arthur Park. Her voiced soared with the symphony orchestra. Donna then spoke for a moment and expressed how important music is in young people's life's. She told the audience that she was very blessed to be able to experience the symphony as a young child and how she enjoyed it so much. Next song was Could It Be Magic. A beautiful example of how great Donna sounds with a full symphony orchestra. Then came Nature Boy...and it was PERFECT ! Donna nailed the song even better than when she first performed it at The Hollywood Bowl. You could really tell the crowd was impressed with her performance and gave her a standing ovation. Next was On The Radio, No More Tears (with a slightly different and longer story intro), She Works Hard For the Money, Bad Girls/Hot Stuff medley, and Last Dance. Each song sounded so wonderful with a full bodied sound, due to the symphony and acoustics of the symphony hall. Though most were not up on their feet until the end, this was more of a unique and formal performance which made it very special. Seeing Donna perform with the Phoenix Symphony was a "One Night In A Lifetime" event that I will cherish for many years to come !

Jonathan W.


Photos from Jon
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Photos courtesy of the
Phoenix Symphony
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A young lady from the Valley Youth Theater gives Donna flowers



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