The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Windsor, ON fan reports 

August 22, 2009


Caesars Windsor-August 22nd

This concert was my third night in a row on my trip to see Donna in Canada. I can honestly say that I never get tired of Donna's show. Her energy is unlimited and she really urged the crowd to "wake up" and stand and dance. Even if it was to lose a few ponds she joked. As a matter of fact her joking around is what made me enjoy this show even more. Donna did start by saying" I wish I was Cher" after all the applause she got after her first few songs. She then started to sing "Believe" with her best Cher voice. I loved seeing Donna in such a playful mood. This audience did have quite a bit of older folks too. I saw many with walkers...huh ?? Also it can be difficult at times to hear others say "please sit" to not dance and block their view of Donna. This was not a problem here as there were HUGE screens on each side of the stage so you could not miss her in any way. I mean how can you actually SIT through one of Donna! 's concerts anyways ? These casino crowds can be a challenge for Donna and us fans, but I think they are getting better as Donna is doing her best to encourage them to "Dance if you wanna Dance" and "Sing if you wanna Sing". As a matter of fact, more than once in her shows. I feel like the audience gets the message after hearing it a few times. They finally start to stand and shake there booty! Though this show was the Crayons format, Donna treated the audience to La Vie en Rose !! YES !! I was so happy to hear it a second time as she performed it the night before at the Fallsview show. Could it be magic? It was and Donna delivered the song better than ever...complete with the story of how Abner proposed to Amanda in Paris. Naturally the audience went wild after the song. I had talked to many people at this show and several were at last years concert as well. This venue seats 5,000 and was a full house. Donna did it again...another fantastic job! ...entertaining the audience like no other entertainer can do !

Jonathan W.-Studio City, CA


Photos from Jonathan
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