The Donna Summer Tribute Site


July 16, 2008

Do not read ANY of these fan reports if you want to be surprised when you see the show!

You have been warned!  ;-)

If you heard a song you liked at the show, why not buy a download of the original?



I've seen Donna in concert a number of times, but her performance last night at the Pier Six Concert Pavillion in Baltimore was by far the best. Throughout the concert, she smiled, joked, danced and was very playful with band members and her three dancers. It appeared that she was very relaxed, due, in part, to the fact that there were so many family members in the audience (yes, daughter Mimi and her husband and three children were in the audience, as well as some of her son-in-law's family members). Here are some observations:

the set list was the same as Boston except that she sang "Dim all the Lights" directly after "I Feel Love" 

Bruce Sudano was walking through the crowd prior to the show just checking things out. Absolutely no one approached him, so he moved about freely. Mimi's daughter Vienna and Vienna's cousin Mariah joined Donna on stage to sing back up on the song "Crayons". They wore matching purple dresses. Mimi's other daughter wouldn't come up with the rest though Donna tried to coax her to join them. 

There were a number of VIPs in attendance, including local newscasters and business owners. 

Lots of fans were buying copies of Crayons at the merchandise booth. 

Mimi's husband is one of the most attractive men I've ever seen. Handsome, well-muscled and he possessed a lot of presence. 

The venue played Giorgio's "The Chase" during the 15-minute intermission.

The volume at the venue was LOUD. Almost too loud, to be honest. 

Best performances: Dim All the Lights, I'm a Fire, Stamp, Mr. Music, On the Radio 
Not so great: Fame (The Game) The chorus was great, though! 

The audience was predominately white (95%) and the median age was 40 (I was surprised to see so many older folks there). 

Donna's speaking voice became quite hoarse by the end of the concert, though the singing voice was in top notch form (especially noteworthy since it was 88 degrees at show time). 
The crowd was on its feet for most of the concert (they sat down during "Slide Over Backwards", "Be Myself Again" and "Sand on My Feet").

That's about it. For me it was a fantastic show and I'm pretty hard to please when it comes to live concerts (I just saw a Robert Plant/Allison Krause concert...zzzzzzzzzz).

-BondKentBond, Maryland

Pier Six Pavilion, Baltimore-July 16th:

Donna's show last night was sizzling ! It started shortly after 7:30 pm, as the sun was still bright and warm on the Baltimore Harbor. Several concert goers rushed to there seats as the opening music began to play. Donna came out to The Queen is Back and the crowd went insane .Everyone were on there feet. Donna then greeted the audience and went right into I Feel Love. She then did Dim All The Lights, followed by I Will Go With You. I was amazed by Donna's high note at the end. I'm A Fire was next and I was stunned on how great this track sounds live. Her voice soars on this song and the crowd was really into it. Donna then came out for Sand On My Feet and looked absolutely gorgeous in her tropical floral dress. Next was On The Radio. Though the whole audience were Donna's "back up singers", she held the mic right in front of me when she went to the edge of the stage where I was sitting. Mr Music and Crayons were next. One of Donna's grandchildren and her grandchildren's cousin were invited on stage to sing with Donna on this track. They were so adorable and it was a nice touch to the show. Donna's daughter Mimi and son-in-law Rick were in the audience with their family as well. She announced that Rick is originally from Baltimore and the crowd went wild. Next ,Donna and Mary did their Enough Is Enough duet, complete with umbrellas and rain coats. Naturally, with rain coat on, Donna then performed Mac Arthur Park. Now it was time for Be Myself Again. You could tell the audience received this song very well and you could feel Donna's emotion in her performance. Stamp your feet followed and everyone got back on their feet to dance and sing along. Hattie Mae was now introduced we were treated to a ultra camp Donna performing Slide Over Backwards. It was a very cute performance and everyone seemed very into the song. Donna introduced Mary and she performed her beautiful track Selah from her new CD. We had a 15 minute intermission and Donna came back on stage for She Works Hard For the Money. As everyone was still up dancing, Bad Girls and Hot Stuff were sung. Donna came out for her encore and performed the song I had waited for....Fame (The Game). Again, very campy and cute with Donna in her "Diva" sunglasses. This song sounded awesome live, though I could see it was difficult for Donna to sing the rap. She really tried her best to get through the song. I also noticed they slowed the tempo of this track to help with this. Last Dance closed the show of course and everyone was wanting more. This was by far one of the most enthusiastic crowds I have seen at Donna's concerts. The show was definitely worth the journey from California. It was a special night for me too as It was my Birthday and Donna and Bruce's Anniversary ! I cannot wait to see more shows. My Hot Summer Nights are just beginning !!

- Jonathan W. - Studio City, CA.

To the best of my knowledge this is the set I saw. The show was electrifying and for "On the Radio" she brought out two of her grand daughters. One was Vienna for sure and the next oldest. The youngest was in the audience. Donna looked amazing and as soon as I ca, I will get you pictures as my friend took them on his phone! I also met Marvelous Marva who did the interview for Baltimore Gay Life. she may do a story on me. I also met up with fellow Donna fan Duane Haneckow. We went to the Cheesecake Factory after the show. all in all. it was a magical night! Oh and Donna did speak to the crowd about her Baltimore connection. Her son in law (Mimi) is from Baltimore.

Intro/Changing Of The Guard
The Queen Is Back
I Feel Love
Dim All The Lights
Con Te Partiro
I'm A Fire
Sand On My Feet
On The Radio
Mr. Music
Enough Is Enough (Duet with Mary)
MacArthur Park
Be Myself Again
Stamp Your Feet
Slide Over Backwards (as Hattie May)
Selah (Mary solo)
She Works Hard For The Money
Bad Girls
Hot Stuff
Fame (The Game)
Last Dance

- Darrell Russ


Photos from Jonathan

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