The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Atlantic City 

July 27-28, 2007

Donna's concert was held at the Circus Maximus Theatre in Caesar's Palace Friday night at 10pm (with a 9pm show Saturday night). A few minutes after 10 a guy from the Theatre came out and said that they are experiencing technical difficulties and they hope to have them straightened out by 10:30. He said if you can't stay and you paid cash for your tickets, you can get a refund. I only saw a few people leave when he said this.

At 10:30 sharp, the band started and the curtain rose. The show opened with an overture of hits which led into Donna, dressed in a long white glittery gown, emerging from the glittery piano on top of the stairs to an short version of "She Works Hard For The Money". "MacArthur Park" followed. Donna apologized for the wait before going into "Could It Be Magic". She told the audience her new CD will be out in MARCH and then quickly said "early spring". Donna mentioned Bruce's new album will be out next year along with Mary's first album. After talking about her family and getting older she did "I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends" and invited 2 girls and 1 guy up on stage for "On The Radio". "Smile" was up next and received great applause. Donna's story about growing up and not having "twins" followed which led into "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman". She said Bruce's mom was in the audience and that she was going to let Bruce do a song ("Le Imagine Cafe' "). 

The "Enough Is Enough" skit with Mary & Yvonne followed and Donna came out in an flowy white pants suit to do "Enough Is Enough" with her sister. She then started talking about the song "Pearls" and did an amazing job with it. She then said "Let's dance" and did a rousing version of "Dim All The Lights". Donna introduced the band and did a little of "She Works Hard For The Money". "Bad Girls" & "Hot Stuff" had the crowd singing and dancing along. The lights went down and a violin player played solo and Donna emerged in a fitting black dress to do "Last Dance". The crowd went crazy. Donna finished the song on top of the piano. The band was still playing "Last Dance" as the curtain came down.

She Works Hard For The Money
MacArthur Park
Could It Be Magic
I Get With a Little Help From My Friends
On The Radio
(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman
Le Imagine Cafe' (Bruce)
Enough Is Enough
Dim All The Lights
She Works Hard For The Money (Reprise)
Bad Girls
Hot Stuff
Last Dance

......The show was fantastic! I saw her in Bethlehem, PA back in 2005 and thought she did a great job and this show was no exception. 

......Something I have to thrown in that happened at the concert. Before the show started this older couple (who were casino regulars) sat down in their seats a row in front of me to the left. They started talking to the people next to them about how they didn't like loud music and people standing up dancing. He said him and his wife went to see Shakira and had 3rd row seats. He said everyone in front of him was standing up and the music was loud and he couldn't take it and walked out. I was like "this isn't going to be your kind of show then". 

During "On The Radio", a girl was got up and was dancing (not even in front of him...a few rows down and to the right) and he was yelling at her to sit down and that she was ruining everyone's experience. He then called her an impolite word. During "Last Dance", the man in front of him (he was about 50ish) got up to dance along with his wife and the guy just freaked out. "I paid good money for these seats and I want to enjoy the show. You're ruining it for everyone. Sit down!"...the wife sat down, but her husband didn't. The man then got out of his seat, stood next to the guy standing up and called him a whole line of nasty words. By this time a security guard came up and escorted the man out of the theatre. By the time he started yelling, EVERYONE was on their feet and dancing along. 

- Brian from E-Town, PA

[Okay - parts of this just BEG for comment.   First of all, a Donna Summer concert is worth waiting for. I can't imagine walking out just because it was going to be a couple minutes late. But then I was one of the nuts at Foxwoods who stood outside the door for hours before they let us in.  LOL  And about that couple that didn't like loud music..... ummmm, WTF?  I mean seriously, WTF? If they didn't get the concept before they got tickets, they should have gotten the idea when Donna said "Sing if you wanna sing, dance if you wanna dance." ]


 © 2007, the author


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