The Donna Summer Tribute Site


July 7-8, 2006

July 7

What a powerful show last night, absolutely sold out, and tonight is already sold out as well. She looked amazing, much better than the pictures. Here was our concert list, MacArthur Park, Could It Be Magic, Once Upon A Time, I Love You, Smile, With A Little Help From My Friends, On The Radio, a rare treat, COLD LOVE, Enough Is Enough (with her sister Mary), a medley of Try Me, I Feel Love and Love To Love You, Dim All The Lights, Pearls, Bad Girls, Hot Stuff, and Last Dance. 

She was absolutely electric, the crowd was hers, she looked like she was having an amazing time, and I can't wait for tonight!!! My highlight was Cold Love, she really rocked it out!!!

- Toronto fan

July 7

Thought I would drop you a report from Toronto July 7 show. This is the 6th time I have seen Donna in Toronto and I will go again. 
The show started with the orchestra medley including sunset people but never sung in concert that I have heard of kind of odd.
She came out of the piano and walked down the piano key staircase. The set was a little different than last year she had two big D and S letters at the left and also to the right of the stage with matching lights above the stage it definitely added some pizzazz to the whole show it flashed with different colours during the fast numbers.

She works hard for the money
Macarthur Park I believe there was some thunder in the slow part of the song very effective; long version my favourite song
Talked to audience asked where people were from mostly Toronto, Ottawa, and surprisingly Phoenix and a group of boys from Italy.
Talked about how her grandparents were from Nova Scotia before they moved to Boston that got the crowd excited then referred to magic which was a segue to 
Could it be Magic
Did not sing Once upon a Time and I love you. She did last year.
Talked about what it takes to make herself look like a diva makeup etc. 
A Little Help from my friends
She called 5 people from the audience it appeared she was looking for people who were calm and not acting crazy and when she sang ON THE RADIO she sang from the opposite stage keeping a good distance away from the fans she later gave them autographed copies of the Journey cd.
On the Radio
Talked about when she went to Uruguay and received notice that her father was dying
Talked about celebrating 25 years of marriage and how she coerced Bruce into singing by withholding womanly duties.
Le Imagine Cafe
Costume change TO WHITE DRESS only time she wore flat shoes
Enough is enough intro with sister Mary dissing boyfriend on a telephone
Talked about how in her early career she sang in her higher register before she started 
singing in other ways during this set she danced with her arms at her side moving them up and down in snake like motions kind of Egyptian like. I loved it reminded me of the recent postings on youtube where she performed this dance move in some of her early performances I think its so subtle and cool she should use it more often. I don't recall anyone using this before. 
Try Me 
I feel love - this sounded pretty good there were some elements of the patrick cowley mix version very effective
I love to love you baby with all the oohs and aahs and piano interlude just fabulous
Talked about how she wrote this song for Rod Stewart and then decided she should sing it.
Dim all the lights
Talked about how we should all be grateful for what we have. She heard this song from Sade and listened to it 10 to 15 times and decided she should sing it in concert. 
Pearls- the hallelujahs she sang in this song gave me goosebumps then and now just thinking about it.
Talked about how she was grateful to have 5 grammys including rock then sang 
Cold Love- introduced band during this song
Bad girls- the crowd got into this song
Hot stuff
Last Dance - encore I was able to run to the stage for this song from my 7th row seat that was fun she was blowing kisses back to people who were blowing kisses to her. 

As we left I GOT YOUR LOVE was playing in the background. All in all another great show similar to last year and great audience participation and looking forward to the next show with new material I hope.

Hope this helps anyone who can't go to the shows.

- Marino, Toronto

July 7

The stage was set and the band and 6 piece orchestra played a medley of Donna's hits. The background stage had a psychedelic like look to it with coloured lights and lasers. Two staircases, grand piano at the top with Bruce playing. Donna then entered straight up and burst into a rockin' She works hard for the Money. She looked radiant and stunning. She had three wardrobe changes throughout the evening. Then came Macarthur Park, the long version. She then welcomed the audience and talked and joked and then sang Could it be Magic. She then asked for volunteers and as hundreds were putting their hands up, she slowly picked her group- they came on stage and sang backup for On the Radio - one guy looked like he was going to pass out. Then came a very nice version of Smile . She joked that Bruce had said no, he didn't want to sing for their anniversary, so she put him on a "Diet" which didn't last very long because she has a lot to "give". Of course, he came out onstage and sang a song from his album. Then came Dim all the Lights, and one of the evening's highlight's "Pearls". Her voice can only be described as piercing. She mentioned that in the earlier days her first hits were a bit fluffy and that she wasn't singing in her natural voice. So she sang Try Me, I Feel Love and LOVE TO LOVE YOU!!!! Yes, I've had the pleasure to hear this TWICE now live. She mentioned she has won 5 grammys, all in different categories, which means she can also sing rock. This led to Cold Love, a great surprise. My friend and I were the only ones who knew all the lyrics. She introduced the band and orchestra during this song. This led to the medley of Bad Girls and Hot Stuff which finally got the entire venue up off their feet until the very end.. She then exited the stage and it seemed that she was gone forever. People were yelling Donna, Donna, and stamping their feet, we want Last Dance!!! She finally came out wearing the white dress that Cathy loves, for the big Last Dance finale. This is my 3rd Donna Summer show at this venue, and Donna, you just keep keep getting better!! What a treasure!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Anthony from Toronto, Canada

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