The Donna Summer Tribute Site


November 24-25, 2006

Donna did perform two nights in Nashville. I did not get to see the first show. Close friends of mine did see the first show and the second. Both shows were great according to them. Donna sang the same set of songs both nights. The songs were as follows: MacArthur Park... Smile (Charlie Chaplin)... Amazing Grace... Don't Cry For Me Argentina... Dream-a-lot's them (I will live for love).... Last Dance.

She looked very nice. The dress appeared to be gold and have a lot of shine/silver to it. I have seen her many times before, but never like this. She was in rare form and seemed to enjoy herself so much. She was very humorous and her voice was not to be compared to. Wynonna Judd did perform the same nights but at different times. I do like Wy very much, but Donna's light out shined her by far.

- Chris, Sam and Maya in Nashville

Donna blew the roof off the new Schermerhorn Symphony Center!! Donna's voice was stronger and better than ever, and she was made to sing with a full symphony orchestra. This was my 4th concert, and it was a totally different experience from the large concert halls Donna usually plays. You could both hear and feel Donna's voice vibrate through the entire building. Also she looked AMAZING, wearing her sequened outfit that sparkled from the lights, almost hypnotic. It was well worth a trip from Florida to experience Donna at her best!

The concert was a Thanksgiving celebration with Wynonna and Nashville Chamber Orchestra, held at the brand new Schermerhorn center. The building is a spectacular structure, built with limestone outside, beautiful hallways and chandeliers inside, and soundproof windows. Even Donna commented that it is going to change the city of Nashville. The concert started promptly at 8PM, and the conductor announced that it was another sold out show. The symphony played a few numbers along with some local gospel singers, and then Wynonna took the stage. She wore a royal blue gown and sang some of her hits, a few gospel numbers with the choir, and a Christmas song from her new cd. She sounded great and joked around with the crowd, and pointed to her family sitting in the boxes, including her sister. She did an awesome job and got the crowd up.

After intermission, the orchestra played a few more numbers, again with the chorus and local singers. Then came the big moment and the orchestra started playing "Macarthur Park"...the audience went wild!! Donna came out from the side door and did a powerful version of "Macarthur Park", with the full orchestra behind her. Her voice echoed through the hall. Next she sang Smile, and after she talked about beginning her career singing in musicals as a teenager, even though she became famous as the "Disco Diva" (she whispered), and got a huge laugh from the crowd. She was trying to behave herself because of the type of crowd and setting, but she said she had to let the Diva come out. She was very humorous and even joked with the sign language interpreter, challenging her to translate her diva comments. She sang "Don't Cry for me Argentina" and brought the house down. Next was the long ballad version of "I Will Live for Love," and she talked about having more dreams within her and encouraged us not to let go of ours, very inspirational. She told us that God has an A Plan and a B Plan for everyone, and she was going to go with God's A Plan for her from now on, and do what she was meant to do. (Great news for all of us!!!). The arrangement for this ballad was very beautiful, and again brought the crowd to their feet. After this she told us that if we thought we were just going to come and sit and listen to her sing, we'd better get ready to do some work. She asked us to help her sing the next number. She told us about some of the obstacles and trials she faced earlier in her personal life, and that if we had any troubles to hang on and together we can get through anything. She sang "Amazing Grace" and asked us to sing the second verse, sounded great with the whole audience singing together. Seemed like she just got out there and she said they were throwing her off the stage. The orchestra started playing "Last Dance." Another beautiful arrangement a
nd again the crowd went crazy. After "Last Dance" Donna left the stage, and the orchestra kept playing. No one in the hall wanted to leave and we stayed for a few minutes hoping for an encore, but the lights came up and it was over. By far the best performance that I have seen. The only disappointment was that there was not a duet with Wynonna, would have been awesome to see them together!

If any one ever has the chance to see Donna in Nashville, or with another symphony orchestra, it will be an experience you will never forget!

- Steve in Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Just a quick note about the Nashville concert November 25, 2006. The symphony played a few selections, then a couple of guest artists did a few songs then Wynonna did her set of six songs. After an intermission the symphony did another few songs and a few guest artists did a few and then they annouced that they were real excited to have their next guest and everybody knows her so she doesn't need an introduction, then the symphony band started playing McArthurs Park intro and Donna walked on stage. The crowd went wild and she received a standing ovation. The crowd was so excited that you couldn't hear the first line of her song. She did a long version of McArthurs Park. She did a lot of talking in between songs and the audience was really into her. She joked a lot about being the Diva. I can't remember the details of her conversation with the audience so I'll just list the songs she did. Next was Smile, Don't Cry For Me Argentina, Amazing Grace, I Will Live For Love ( ballad style) then Last Dance. Donna looked awesome, she had on the biege outfit that sparkled. She looked like she had lost some weight and had long straight hair. I like Wynonna also but Donna blew her away, the crowd definitely was more into Donna. Donna's voice was strong and powerful on all her songs as always. She is the true Diva.!

- Steve in Birmingham, AL

Went to see DS in Nashville. I have been a fan since 1976! I have seen her perform so many times that I couldnt resist the opportunity to hear her in a symphony hall ( I missed the NY Carnegie Hall appearance) 
A few notes from the night:

The hall is spectacular.
They served food and wine (three bottles of Cakebread later my three friends and I were in great spirits!

The gospel choir and orchestra were excellent.
Wynonna rocked... the girl can really sing and used the gospel choir for a few numbers. She is much more humble than Donna.

Donna came out to Macarthur park.. good, not her best and an unexpected choice for the venue. She next delivered Smile and Dont Cry for Me Argentina...both excellent and in that hall her voice seemed to rise to the heavens. I was happy but I had heard both these before and she still had not used the choir. Well Amazing grace was next...Amazing being the operative word...WOW! The crowd, some of whom had never even heard of her, was stunned as was I. I was nearly begging for her to rouse up the choir and belt out "Let there be Peace" or "Forgive Me". Unfortunately she went for the safe but appropriate "Last Dance" which the crowd seemed to love. All in all a truly amazing night and worth the trip!

- Paul in NJ

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