The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Message from Donna 

Taken from her website 2006


I'm back from the land of the living. Hopefully all is well with all of you. 

As you probably have heard I had to postpone some dates due to a severe knee injury. I am about 80 % better shooting for 100% by the time I hit the road in May.
I hope I have not inconvenienced you in any extreme. I sincerely apologize for it.

This is Passover and Easter weekend and so I wanted to certainly wish all well during the holiday season. I will be celebrating Easter with my family and extended family at home in full recognition of this High Holy Day.

Career wise there are many things bubbling under which I will go into detail at a later date.

I hope to see you in the coming months. 

Thank you for all your support ! You know I love you and look forward to hearing from you.

God bless you all.


Rick, Mimi and their girls have now migrated to Tennessee and are settling in quite nicely. We are so happy to have them here.

Brooklyn has finished her first lead in a movie with Faye Dunaway called "RAIN". You will be hearing more from Brooklyn.

Amanda's work is popping up all over. You can see her in ads around the world.

Bruce is currently in the studio working on a new recording project hopefully out by the end of this year.

Very happy and proud of all of them.



 © 2006 Donna Summer


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