The Donna Summer Tribute Site


June 28, 2005

I just returned from The Donna Summer concert in Chicago (6/28/05) - it was AWESOME! So much has changed since I worked with Donna in 1977 on the Caribbean leg of her "Summer Nights" tour - but she's in great voice & more "at home" on stage than she was "way back when" - I sent her some of our old tour photos taken in Santo Domingo & Puerto Rico - including a shot with her former writer (Academy award winner for "Last Dance") Paul Jabara- Yes, Bruce sang his solo tonight. Even a Chicago rain didn't dampen the spirits of the Donna fans dancing in the aisles ..... and Donna gave us many encores & sang her way off stage.

- PJ, Chicagoland

Summer Heats Up Chicago! 

A few weeks back, I was excited to learn Donna would be performing one night at our city’s annual week long Taste of Chicago event in Grant Park. Not only would Donna be gracing us with her amazing talent and presence, but the concert would be FREE for the general public as many corporate sponsors pay for the entertainment! Who wouldn’t want to see the ultimate Diva for free? I thought I had died and gone to heaven! 

On the day of the concert, the temperature reached a high of 98 degrees. All I can say is ...summer definitely arrived on June 28th here in Chicago!  Regardless of the weather, I couldn’t contain myself at work knowing in a few short hours, I'd be seeing Donna live! I knew just getting to Grant Park would be a huge undertaking. Between the traffic for the Taste of Chicago, a Cubs night game, and a “normal” Chicago rush hour… would be a challenge to get there in time and get a decent seat! But I was on a mission and I vowed nothing would stand in my way!  Glad to say, all the drama I had to endure was worth it once my friends and I found seats and Donna hit the stage.

Looking fabulous in black, she rose from the back of the stage and stepped out onto a piano that Bruce was playing and was greeted by cheers from the crowd.  She tore into her set and we rewarded her with loud applause after each number. Giving her a proper Chicago welcome was a must! She talked a bit during her performance and showed everyone that she has a sense of humor, grace, and enjoyed being on stage. 

Her song list included: 

She Works Hard for the Money
I Love You
Love to Love You Baby
I Feel Love 
Once Upon A Time
Could It Be Magic
Try Me, I Know We Can Make It
Heaven Knows
Hot Stuff
Bad Girls
Dim All The Lights
Enough Is Enough (No More Tears)
On The Radio
Last Dance

She even surprised us die-hard fans with Cold Love and I made sure I sang (loudly) along with her so everyone around me knew I was a hardcore fan!!! We were also treated to her renditions of Natural Woman, Nights In White Satin, and Smile (Even Though Your Heart Is Breaking) which were amazing and led me to think at some point in her career, she MUST do a CD of classic songs that mean a lot to her. The CD would simply be incredible!

Even though it was hot and humid, a lot of people in the crowd danced away at all of Donna’s songs. During one point in the show, it started to briefly rain and that didn’t stop anyone. In fact, it was a welcome relief and helped cool us down for more dancing! 

At one of Donna’s breaks from singing, she announced that this year she and Bruce would be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and introduced Bruce to the crowd and he had an opportunity to sing “Le Imagine Café”. (I think this was the song). In fact, from what I heard Donna say, I am led to believe June 28th was the their actual anniversary date! 

All in all, the concert was an wonderful event and looking around at the faces in the crowd, I was happy to see the diversity of fans that Donna’s music attracts. Different ages, races, religions, orientations…..all walks of life were brought together by Donna and her band and their amazing talent. It’s was truly a magical night and will possibly be the highlight of my Summer of 2005!

John B



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