The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Message From Donna

December 23, 2002

Hi Everybody,

Let me just say my prayers and thanks to each one of you for the rest of this year and always. Obviously, it started out with a bit of a lull from 9/11 which took a while to get through it….being that I was in New York at the time and let me express to anyone who has lost anyone in disaster my deepest compassion and sympathy. The way I view it, we all lost someone. Everyone that was in those buildings and on those aircraft belong to each one of us. When we injure a part of our body, the whole body hurts. They were a part of our American body and soul.

As a result of my state of mind, I was unable to write any uptempo songs. I didn’t feel emotionally capable of synthesizing my feelings at the time. I felt the absolute necessity to process it to the fullest extent so that I can move on with my life. However, on the positive side, I have now written, co-written or found approximately 35-40 songs: and I’m still writing. Do not lose heart; the Diva is still alive and well (and creatively bursting at the seams)!

The musical, ORDINARY GIRL, is still in the works, and, hopefully, we will work out all the rough spots and get it up and running. Still working on the book portion, but Michael Omartian, Al Kasha, Bruce Sudano and myself have written excellent songs, of which 20-23 songs have been finished, so far. When it does hit the stage, I hope you all come and see it and, it hopefully meet all your expectations (and mine).

I am in process of writing a book, collaborating with Marc Eliot. He and I together are working diligently to finish. He is a very talented writer with many successful books to his credit; not to mention he just finished the book for Erin Brockovich. The book is written for Random House and is scheduled for Fall 2003 release, just before Christmas.

My daughters are terrific. Mimi has two children and is developing quite nicely as a songwriter (i.e Mia’s Song) and singer. Her husband, Rick, is very supportive and is the greatest son-in-law. Brooklyn is with the Ford Modeling Agency and has been honing her acting skills in New York. She too is becoming a good songwriter (i.e. Perfect Man). Amanda is studying hard and on the Dean’s List and we are very proud of her. She’s really an excellent student and is developing into quite a songwriter.

My granddaughters are growing nicely and constantly a miracle unfolding before our very eyes. We are charmed and delighted when we are in their presence. Our parents are healthy and doing well. My sister, Mary, is having a great time with her children and has been doing quite a bit of singing in church and other places in this past year with the time off.

Bruce has been working, himself, on a musical about his childhood friends and that’s turning out to be very interesting (and he’s very excited about it). He’s also been writing and everything is coming along great! He is a wonderful support system to me even though we get into our squabbles, like many married couples do, we do have a most deep and abiding love for one another. He is a good man, a patient man, self-sacrificing and very strong (which is, what a Diva like me needs).

I’m making Christmas dinner; I am attempting with couscous, Moroccan chicken and vegetables. 

Pray for me please…..Diva in the kitchen!!! Oh Lord!!
I’m having about 16 people for dinner and 10 of those are sleeping at my house and so it should be a good family reunion time. I’ll try to download you a couple of shots from my new digital camera before the holidays are over.

In closing, the New Year for me will be a new year of many changes…..good ones, I hope. Pray for me that I don’t eat too much and have to work out too hard; even though I love to exercise. God Bless You; have an incredible New Year and remember you always have a friend in me,

Donna Summer

© 2002 Donna Summer


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