The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Message From Donna

July 26, 2002

Sorry it's been such a long time since I've been in touch. Since "9/11", lot has happened in my life. Due to the immense stress that occurred, I have had a self-imposed sabbatical, which has not yet ended; in which I could work out and overcome my personal fears and sort through the ravages of the situation as it has had upon everyone's lives.

The album is status quo. I have until now written close to thirty songs; some titles are Tearing Down the Berlin Wall, Rain on my Shoulders and Till You Get It... and many more. Yes, I'm still on Sony/Epic and, am thankfully, beginning to feel much better, now, as I get into my personal routine and spending more time seeking divine counsel. I am feeling much, much better.

My children are fine and developing quite nicely. They are wonderful people. Mimi is recording and possibly desiring to pursue her career, and my other two daughters are also busy. Brooklyn is in New York pursuing a modeling and acting career. Amanda is still in college. Bruce is writing songs and developing a project possibly for Vegas. Bruce has a song coming out on a recent album by Kathy Troccoli, a Contemporary Christian artist. My two grandchildren are great and growing.

I will probably not be open touring this year while my desire for travel is at an all time minimum. After many years of traveling, it was just time for the Diva have a break. Another reason I've been out of touch is that I've been in the throws of writing a book, which hopefully, will be out next year.

I will try to stay in better touch and have a continued dialogue as soon as I get to work full time. But as for now, Thank God, who is by the way, taking care of the Diva in her time off. I extend my warmest regards and love,

Donna Summer 

(if the e-movie doesn't play on your computer, you can see stills in the photo gallery)

© 2002 Donna Summer


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