The Donna Summer Tribute Site

Donna's 2001 Holiday Message To The Fans:


To my loyal and devoted fan club members:

Hello Everyone and Happy Holidays!!!!!!

I hope these wishes find you all safe and well as we draw 2001 to a close.  So many of us have been touched so deeply by the world events over these past weeks and it�s hard to imagine anyone on this earth, not to mention in the U.S., who is not reflecting on life, love and family in this holiday season.  I was in New York on September 11, 2001 and was personally shaken to my core, like so many others.  We, Americans, have been awakened to who we really are, and to who each of us can be.  Truly, United We Stand.

I am in the studio writing and recording to get a new album out this Summer and preparing to travel and visit some of you out on the road, hopefully very soon.  The album is progressing and looks like we have a release date scheduled for July 2002, provided all goes as planned. It�s been a lengthy process of writing, recording and eliminating. Here are some new titles in process; �Rain on My Shoulders�, "You�re So Beautiful�, �Only Words�, and �Work It�. Hopefully they�ll make it to the final album cut. I�ll give you some sampling in the near future.  The band is all well, and we looking forward to seeing many of you, as we are booking dates in for 2002.

My family is great, healthy and preparing for a quiet, holiday together.  Bruce and I are so thankful.  We have recently spent some time with Mimi and Rick and my amazing granddaughters, Vienna, who is now four, and Savannah, an amazing year and a half. They continue to make me laugh as they grow so quickly.  Amanda and Brooklyn are both doing so well in educating themselves for the future.  Brooklyn is studying acting, and Amanda�s college studies are in business management.  Either way, I�ll think they are both going into show business.

Please keep in touch with us.  We look forward to hearing from you as always.  Remember it is easier and faster for us to respond to you via e-mail at rather than �snail mail�.  With the recent U.S. Postal scares, many have opted for an alternative for correspondence, and we are happy to oblige.

My prayer to each of you who read this is that God will give you and your family divine protection and go with you throughout the coming year . I love you and look forward to seeing you soon.  Keep your eyes and ears posted for us in 2002.

May God�s blessings of peace, prosperity, hope and most of all love, be with each of you,



© 2001 Donna Summer



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